Sunday, October 19, 2008

Life is good!

This morning I participated in the Buddy Walk to support the Downs Syndrome Foundation. I was part of a group walking in honor of my student, Vincent. The three mile walk took place on the boardwalk at Hollywood Beach. There was a nice breeze and the sky was a little overcast so the sun wasn't too bright. There was a breakfast for us and a cookout after the walk was over. They even set up bounce houses for the kids. The Ocean lifeguards were training on the beach so us female walkers had some eye candy. LOL! It was funny how everyone stopped for a break right where those guys were.
As we huddled up for pictures I looked around at the group I was with and smiled. I am lucky enough to have friends that will give up a Sunday morning just because I asked them to. Friends who are honest enough to tell me when they don't like my shoes or outfits. Friends with shoulders that I have leaned on more times than I can count. Friends who let me know when I'm getting just a little too full of myself. Friends who showed up to honor a five year old boy.
I have the best friends in the world and life is good. Now, if only the Dolphins could manage to beat the Ravens...
Here's a goodie for those of you that have found friends as good as mine and for those of you that are still looking...


Lately, I've suffered from a lack of creativity. Have you gone through that? I need to make Halloween gifts for my class, but I don't like anything that I've come up with so far. I need to catch up on some scrapbook pages, but I just can't get into it. I'm getting paid to make some candy bar wrappers for a friend to give out at her daughter's tenth birthday party, but I just want to eat the chocolate. LOL!

I think I've fallen into a rut. I keep doing the same things the same way and I need a change. I need to step out of my comfort zone and try something new. I have no idea what that something new will be, so wish me luck!

Here's a goodie for anyone else that has ever fallen into a rut...