Wednesday, October 22, 2008

1 apology and 2 Thank yous

I am so sorry but the Life is a party wordart had a mistake on it. I've fixed it now and reloaded it at 4shared. Thank you Kelsey for letting me know!

You can get the corrected version here...

My second thank you goes out to Christine. I don't always read my email before leaving in the mornings, but today I did and I am so glad! You will never know how much your short message meant to me. My spirit needed a lift and thanks to you it got one.

Here's a goodie for everyone in your honor...

I can only make a quick post today. I've got lots of things to do and I am behind on all of that I mean that I haven't started any of them. LOL! I have candy bar wrappers to design for a 10 year old's birthday party, Halloween treats to make for my friends, patterns to trace for tomorrow's art center, a Halloween bragbook page to make for a swap I'm in and I need to design voter registration cards and ballots for the great GPES election of '08. I wonder who will win----ice cream or pizza. Thank goodness I've got a long weekend coming up!

After reading back over my last couple of entries here it looks like I've been in a very serious mood, but it's actually been quite the opposite. Have you ever noticed that it's when you are the busiest that you are the happiest and the most creative? Right now I'm so tired that I don't know if I'm coming or going but I've got a hundred ideas flowing through my brain. Maybe I'm coming out of that creative rut I've been in.

Enjoy your day! Here's a goodie for you...