Sunday, November 2, 2008

Living life

I had a very interesting talk with a friend of mine about life in general. He talked about the things he has done and the things he is waiting to do. Waiting....for kids to get older, for the economy to get better, to drop that 10 pounds he's added, to pay the mortgage off, to get a promtion at work, to get a new truck....Waiting

Now, I know we can't throw our responsibilities out the window, but what happens to our life if we all just sit around and wait? Will we look back and be glad that we waited or will we be sad about the missed adventures? Is there a way to be responsible and still live our dreams?
The dreams I have now are not the dreams of my youth---gave up on that rock star dream a long time ago. LOL! I have seen many of my dreams come true---I have bungee jumped. I have been to Paris. I have loved someone with every ounce of my being and known his love in return. There are more, but those are the biggies!
There are other dreams that I haven't visited in a while and I think it's time that I did. It's time to stop waiting and start living...

What a day

Saturday was a wonderful day! I slept till 10:00 (one of the advantages of living alone) I didn't leave the house until 5:00 today. LOL! I had trouble finding my car in the parking garage again. (It was on the third level this time.)

Thank goodness there are only two levels to the parking garage at the grocery store. Any more and I'd never be able to buy ice cream. It would always melt before I found the car. LOL!

I caught up on the episodes of Dexter that I had missed. Love that show!

I went across the courtyard for a cookout with my friends. It was a beautiful day with lots of sunshine so I took the catwalk in Jimmy's honor. We went out for a ride on the boat and watched the sunset from the water.

We took a walk down to Collins Avenue for a few drinks. With weather like we're having the walk and outside table were a must.
A couple of the guys decided to get tattoos in Jimmy's memory. Us girls watched as they endured the pain and claimed that it didn't hurt at all.
I have no tattoos. I'm way too big of a chicken for something like that. I tried to talk them out of the tattoos. I thought they should wait and think it through a little more. Maybe let a little more time pass. I asked why they would get a tattoo to honor someone that didn't have any tattoos and they answered, "because we can." LOL!
They were happy with themselves for their decision so I had to support them and I must admit that the tattoos looked great. I just hope they're still happy with their decision a couple of days, weeks and years from now...