Monday, November 30, 2009

Homespun Christmas Blog Train

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It's time for another awesome Stuff to Scrap blog train! This month's theme is Homespun Christmas and there are lots of goodies for you to download so let's get started...

Here's a preview of the mini kit I made for you and the download links are below the picture.

Download Elements Here
Download Papers Here

I've also got two quickpages for you and the download links are below the previews. The first is one I made with my kit...

Download QP here

The second one was made using Deanna's kit...

Download QP here

Here's a look at the quickpages Nita made for you using my part of the blog train

Here's a list of all the blogs you should visit to get your free goodies. Remember that we are all in different time zones, so if someone doesn't have their part posted yet just visit them again later.

Nibbles Skribbles
Becky aka SAHM Scrapper
The Scrappy Kat
Scraps N Pieces
Mommy Me Time Scrapper
Bubblescrap Designs
Little Red Scraps
Ginger's House ***You are here***
light's digiscrapworld
Grandma's Templates
Jensen Motley Crew Designs
Scrap Me Silly
Shel Belle Scraps
Crafting at Your Special Delivery
Saphira's Scrapdesign
Scrap Attack Scraps
Scrappin' Serenity
Ányi + a digitális scrapbooking
Life is Not a Cereal
Kerry's Scraps
Rainamoon Scraps
Rucola Designs
DigiScrapz by Christi
Nita's Things
Funky Time Designs by Amber
Midnight Scrapping
Desertgirl Designs
moms unique possiblities
CityGurl Creations
This Little Missy
Let Me Scrapbook
A valóság tükre - OsDesign
Ayu's Scrapping
Adriana's Cafe
Altered Sea
Flower Scraps
Kori's Scraps
Always Be Neighbors Designs
Mad Genius Designs
A Fish Design

Have fun visiting everyone's blog and don't forget to look for me at digifree!

Countdown to Christmas!

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Starting tomorrow some of the awesome Stuff to Scrap designers are going to have a Countdown to Christmas blog hop. Each day you'll get to visit a different designer's blog and download their portion of a really cute Christmas kit. All you have to do is visit the Stuff to Scrap blog everyday between December 1st and 24th to see which designer has that day's goodie posted. Doesn't that sound like fun?!?! Plus, I've gotten to see a little bit of the kit and it is so worth the daily visits!

While you're at the Stuff to Scrap blog make sure you sign up for the new quarterly newsletter. It will be filled with lots of info.,sneak peeks and inspiration. Who knows, there may even be a freebie or two attached. LOL!

Now, I'm going to go make myself a margarita, order dinner and wind down from what was a very long day. LOL! I'll be back in an hour or two to post my part of the Homespun Christmas blog train!

Fall Softly Snow

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Scraps of Ellay has already taken us through the rain and sun. Now we've got snow! This kit is beautiful! It's called Fall Softly Snow and you can find it in Ellay's store at Stuff to Scrap. There are also some matching fleece and glitter papers as well as an awesome quickpage set. Plus, you just might find a little freebie on Ellay's blog!

Take a look at these kit previews...

Don't you just love it! Here are some layouts I made with this beautiful kit.The first one is me practicing extractions again. I'm determined to get better at extractions. LOL!

The picture in this next layout was taken last winter in Lincolnton, North Carolina. This is the main street in the little town where I went to high school. I've blogged before about how we used to "drag main" on the weekends and this was the road that we drove up and down on checking out the cute guys and talking to the people from the other cars. LOL!

These next two layouts were done for a couple of the challenges at Stuff to Scrap. The first one had to have the word "Winter" on the layout and the second had to be done using only color. Of course, I chose blue because it's the best color. LOL!

I need to get to bed. Enjoy your day and look for me at digifree!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Freebie and a reminder!

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I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving weekend! Time flew by for me and I'm doing things to get ready for school tomorrow. Now I'm on the countdown to Christmas vacation. LOL!

I made a layout using April's Holiday Baking 2 kit for one of the challenges at Stuff to Scrap and turned it into a quickpage for you. This kit as well as the first one is perfect for scrapping any of those Thanksgiving cooking pictures that you've got.

Here's the layout I made and the download link for the quickpage is below the picture.

Download QP here

Remember that April has both of her baking kits on sale through tomorrow and that tomorrow is the last day to use the kits and send her a recipe card. Submit a recipe card and you'll get all of the cards sent in for free!

Now, I've got to go take care of some things before the day slips away from me. Enjoy your day and look for me at digifree!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Friday, November 27, 2009

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

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I really should be asleep now, but I wanted to tell you about some things happening at Stuff to Scrap this weekend. First of all, there is a really big Black Friday sale planned! Check out this flyer...

On Saturday Shel is hosting a speed scrap and you can get a really cute mini kit for participating.

Here's the prize you'll get for joining in on the fun...

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day! Enjoy it and look for me at digifree!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I'm excited!

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I am so excited that tomorrow is the last work day this week! I've spent this evening making candy bars to give to the girls at school tomorrow. I used the Pilgrimage Home kit by The Scrappy Kat. I can't give you the wrapper, but you can buy the kit in her Stuff to Scrap store and make one of your own. Here's what mine looks like...

By the way---The kit is one sale now!

I do have a quickpage for you that I made with Deanna's part of the wonderful Joy To The World collab kit. There's room for you to put an extraction and a picture in the frame. Your download link is below the picture.

Download QP here

I'm not sure how much I'll be around this weekend so I've uploaded some wordart freebies to get you through the weekend. Happy Thanksgiving!

Enjoy your day and look for me at digifree!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Holiday Baking Part 2

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Today I had to go by Michaels after school. I ran in picked up exactly what I needed and went to stand in line. I was standing there thinking, "Wow, there are a lot of men shopping in Michaels today." when one of the men turned around and started talking to me. He asked if they were in my way or if I needed help with something. That's when I noticed that they were all wearing nametags. They weren't standing in line---they all worked there. LOL! You should have heard them laughing when I told them why I was standing behind them.

April has added another Holiday Baking kit to her store. It's super cute! Here's the preview...

There's still time to send April a recipe card for the recipe exchange and you can add this kit to her first Holiday Baking kit to make the card!

Now head on over to April's store at Scrap it Sassy to pick it up!

I'm heading to bed now. Enjoy your day and look for me at digifree!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Joy to the World

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Deanna has teamed up with Becky from SAHM Scrapper to make a beautiful collab kit called Joy to the World. You are going to love this kit! Take a look at the previews...

Here is Deanna's part

Here is Becky's part

Both girls have really outdone themselves! Make sure you visit their blogs all week to pick up the different parts of this kit while it's free! You aren't going to want to miss this one!

I used Deanna's part to make a layout for one of the daily challenges at Stuff to Scrap the other day. Take a look...

Now, I've really got to get some sleep. Thank goodness it's a short week! Enjoy your day and look for me at digifree!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sunshine Daydream

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Last week I told you to hold onto your hat because we had some more weather coming and now it's here. Scraps of Ellay has released her new kit called Sunshine Daydream and it is beautiful! Check out this preview...

It's such a fun and cheery kit! You can buy the kit from Ellay's store at Stuff to Scrap and if you visit Ellay's Blog she has a freebie for you.

Here are some layouts I made with the kit...

I gave away the wordart on this layout last February. If you missed it and would like to have it now you can download it here.

The purple papers were perfect for this picture...

I'm still working on extractions. Somedays I'm pleased with what I do and somedays I'm not. This day...I was pleased! LOL!

Now, you might want to get your coats ready because I believe there is even more weather coming! LOL!

Enjoy your day and don't forget to look for me at digifree!

Saturday, November 21, 2009


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Come back tomorrow for the Prince version of this wordart

OK, so I thought New Moon was 1,000 times better then Twilight was. We had so much fun at the movies and went to dinner at Cheesecake Factory afterwards. Have you noticed that I tend to do lots of dinners at Cheesecake Factory? LOL!

Now, I'm going to get some much needed sleep. Enjoy your day and look for me at digifree!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Aquarelle Mini Kit

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I am having so much fun doing the challenge a day that is going on at Stuff to Scrap this month. Today's challenge was to create a mini kit using an awesome color palette. This is what I came up with...

Download mini kit here

If you would like more mini kits that match this color scheme head over to the forum at Stuff to Scrap. Lots of girls have posted what they made and the download links.

While you're there check out some of the challenges and join in on the fun!

The other day there was a challenge to do an "Opposite" layout. There were so many beautiful layouts made during this challenge! I decided to use April's Let It Snow Kit and make a layout using a picture of some Miami Beach Firemen I took during last years Art Deco Parade. Here's how it turned out...

We don't get snow here, so using a snow kit with a beach picture was my opposite. I decided to turn this into a quickpage for you and you can download it here.

It's past my bedtime now so I'm going to get some sleep. Enjoy your day and look for me at digifree!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Gratitude Quickpage Freebie

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OK, I'm just stopping in for a quick post to give you the quickpage I made with the Gratitude Collab Kit by Deanna and Kathy. Have you remembered to visit their blogs to pick up this beautiful kit?

Here's the QP I made. Your download link is below the picture.

Download QP here

I've got a huge headache so I'm heading to bed now. Enjoy your day and look for me at digifree!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

One day closer to Friday!

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Usually I'm ready for Friday so I can rest up from the week, but now I just want it to get here for the New Moon release. After telling the high school girls that they couldn't sit anywhere near us they started giving me a hard time. They're saying that they're going to stand up before the movie starts and shout out my name. I told them that if they get hit in the back of the head with a bag of popcorn after the movie starts----it wasn't me! LOL!

I wanted to show you another layout I made with the Gratitude collab kit by Deanna and Kathy. I used papers and elements from Kathy's part of the kit for this layout. Make sure you check out both of their blogs for the free goodies and come back here tomorrow to pick up the quickpage I made.

Have you sent April your recipe card yet? I can't wait to see all the cards that have gotten sent in. We all know I don't cook, but I will give the cards to some friends that do for Christmas presents. Hopefully, they'll let me be the taste tester. LOL!

I also don't want you to forget to go by Scrap it Sassy to buy April's wonderful Let It Snow Kit. I promise you will love this kit! I've got another QP for you today that was made with the kit. Your download link is below the picture.

Download QP here

I'm going to bed now. Enjoy your day and look for me at digifree!