Saturday, January 3, 2009

Good-bye, Melissa

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My friend Melissa and her husband have packed their bags and moved to Georgia. I keep telling myself that I'm not losing a friend but gaining a free place to stay in the Atlanta area. LOL! I just joke so that I don't cry.

Melissa and I have been friends for 10 years now and I am going to miss her terribly. Her number was the first one I dialed after Charlie passed away. We tried more than one stupid diet together. We managed to attend some of the classes we signed up for when we went to Orlando for a Kindergarten Conference. We drank more margaritas together at Iguana Mia than anyone can count. It was after one of those trips to Iguana Mia that I bought a lifetime supply of sentence strips for my classroom. LOL!-don't ask about that one! We have gotten angry at each other, cried for each other and laughed at each other. We are friends and not even having 670 miles separate us can change that.

It's a good thing that long distance calls are free on the cellphone and that we're both teachers with long summer vacations. I'm planning my trip to Georgia now.