Thursday, January 15, 2009

Long Weekend

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I am so glad that this is a long weekend! I'm fighting a cold and I'm just not feeling too good. YUCK! So all, I have to do is make it through the day on Thursday and I'm home free till Tuesday. YIPEE!

So, I owe you an apology. I woke up this morning and found an email from Deanna saying that she has pushed back the release date of her Winter's Spell Kit by a couple of days. I'm sorry that I didn't check my email before making the post. It should be out soon and I promise to let you know when she has it posted.

I did make a note of the postcards that arrived this week. The mail was empty today but on Monday and Tuesday we got cards from Sydney, Australia, Cape Town, South Africa, Manchester, NH, Nova Scotia, Rome, Helsinki, Finland and Tucson, Arizona. I just can't believe how beautiful the postcards are! Thank you Momo, Shrek & Family, Lynne & Millie, Mindy, Moe & Bono, Yaffa, Sebastian & Dante, Miss Lori, and anyone else that I might have missed.

Our weather has taken a turn for the COLD! LOL! Tomorrow it might get up to 70 degrees. I've got the long sleeves out and ready to go. I need to get some sleep. Enjoy your day!