Thursday, January 29, 2009

Everyone's fighting!

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My friend got a phone call from her daughter today saying that her high school was on lockdown, but other than the rumors that were flying around she didn't know what was going on. During lunch, we turned on the 12 o'clock news to see if they would report anything. Sure enough, the opening story was about the fight that started in their cafeteria between two students and grew in number and size. By the time it was all over, the fight had spilled out of the building and 18 students were arrested. Luckily, Chrissy wasn't anywhere near the cafeteria when the fight started. She was locked safely away in the auditorium where she was playing Peter Pan in the school play.

I got home from work today and went to visit with my neighbors only to learn that they were fighting. Want to know what they're fighting about? Too bad, I'm going to tell you anyway---they are actually fighting about---Hershey Kisses! Apparently, she bought a bag with almonds and he only likes the regular kisses. She jokingly told him that she bought it on purpose so that she could have them all to herself and it went downhill from there. Apparently, he was having a really bad day! I told them that they had to stop the madness because I couldn't stand it when mommy and daddy fight. LOL! Luckily, the Hershey Kisses were on sell - buy one, get one - and she was able to calm him down when he saw that he had his very own bag of plain Hershey Kisses.

We hooked up with some of our other friends and the talk turned to Sunday's Superbowl. I'm not a fan of either team in the Superbowl so I'm more interested in the party we'll be having then the game. LOL! The guys disagreed on the best way to grill ribs. Man, do these guys take their rib grilling seriously! The discussion got so loud that we had people who were sitting near us giving us their grilling tips. Luckily, one of those people sitting near us sent over shots for the guys and that made them forget about the grilling.

I would like to think that I can get through tomorrow without anyone fighting, but that probably won't happen. You see, I took a certain someone's shoes and left a ransom note in their place. If he ever wants to see those orange crocs again, he'll pay up! LOL!

Time for me to get some sleep, Enjoy your day!