Monday, May 18, 2009

The last full week of school!

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Well, another day has gone by and once again I wasted most of it. LOL! My mind is already on summer vacation!

Earlier today my computer picked up one of those nasty spyware viruses that cause pop-ups. It took an hour and a half, but I got it off. Thank goodness! So, I guess I didn't waste the whole day---I saved my computer. Just call me Wonder Woman. LOL!

This is the last full week of school. Next week there are only 4 school days and the week after that has 2 full days and 2 half days. I am so looking forward to having the time off to relax and regroup.

The big decision for this week is where to get lunch on Friday. LOL! We've already decided that next weeks lunch will come from the Cheese Cake Factory! We are saving the best for last and yes, I will be ordering dessert that day!

Today you have the chance to get the first part of the cutest kit ever from Deanna at Flowerscraps! Just look at this preview...

It's perfect for outdoor and/or playground photos. Here's a layout I made using the kit...

That's some of the kids in my class trying to cool off in the shade on the playground.

OK, it's time for me to go to bed. Enjoy your day.