Monday, June 29, 2009


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I was able to get up and make my haircut appointment today. Thank goodness! I have to make sure I don't miss the next one cause I don't like morning appointments. LOL!

We had more rain today. Guess what we're going to have tomorrow? That's right----RAIN.

I got back on the wii tight rope thingy today, but I didn't make it across. Figures, I wouldn't be able to do it two days in a row. LOL! The good news is that I completed all eight levels on the advanced table balance. So, I guess it was a successful day. LOL!

Take a look at this kit called Celebrate by Eva Marina Scraps...

It's a great kit and it's out just in time for the Fourth of July! There are even elements that can be used for Canada Day. The best part about this kit is that it's on sale for only $2.79! Head on over to the store at Stuff to Scrap and pick it up.

Enjoy your day!