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What a day! I ventured out between rain storms to run some errands. I under estimated the depth of a certain puddle at the post office and had to run the rest of my errands with one soaking wet flip flop and one wet pants leg. I think I'm starting a new fashion trend. LOL!
If you check out April's store at Scrap it Sassy this month you'll save lots of money! Everything is 50% off! How cool is that?
I look forward to the beginning of each month because it brings another blog train from the girls at Stuff to Scrap. This month's blog train is called Those Summer Nights and it is just awesome! You are going to get so many wonderful graphics and papers today and they are all free!
I've got previews of the kits that Deanna and Shel made to share with you. Here's what you'll get when you visit Deanna's blog...
And this is what you'll get when you visit Shel's blog...
Aren't these just awesome?!?! There are many more blogs to visit today so get busy! LOL!
I did have a little time to play around with Shel's part and this is the layout I made...
I'm going to get some sleep now. Enjoy your day!