Monday, July 13, 2009

Layout or Sales Ad?

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OK, so in my head, this layout looked really good, but for some reason I just couldn't get it to translate from my mind to the paper. LOL! I used Deanna's Surf City Kit again and I think this came out looking like a sales ad. LOL! Now, here's the question---what is it trying to sell? Cars? Vacation spots? Something else all together? Your guess is as good as mine, but I think I would like to buy some of it. LOL!

I've been working on a CD case calendar for the son of a friend of mine with a rock and roll theme. He's 12 years old and if you ask him who his favorite bands are he'll say Bon Jovi and Three Dog Night. I love this kid! I'll share what the calendar looks like when I'm finished.

Tomorrow I'm meeting a couple of the girls from work at The Cheesecake Factory for lunch. YUMMY! There will be dessert! LOL!

I'm going to bed now. Enjoy your day!

Surf City

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Deanna is releasing another great kit on her blog today called Surf City. It's full of great summer themed elements. Here's a preview...

And here's a LO I made with it...

Since I've been so bad about posting things lately I'm giving you the wordart I used on the LO today too. Download it here

Now, I'm going to bed so that I can get up and face another day of dong as little as possible. LOL!