Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Catching Fireflies QP

Download wordart here

As promised, I've got a quick page for you that I made with April's awesome Catching Fireflies kit.

Here's a preview of the QP and the download link is under the picture.

Download QP here

I'm meeting a couple of the girls at school tomorrow to sort some things out. We haven't seen our rooms since they were painted so it should be interesting. Our first official day back is next Thursday. Where oh where has my summer vacation gone?!?!

I'm going to get some sleep now. Enjoy your day!

Catching Fireflies

Download wordart here

****cjpeterson38, I have something for you, but I don't know your email address. Please contact me by leaving a comment here or by sending me an email. Thanks!*****

April has got the cutest kit called Catching Fireflies. It's perfect for scrapping the summer pictures you take right as the sun is going down. Look at this preview...

I used the kit to make this layout today. I said it's got my two favorite extraction and a photo taken from the back...

If you come back and visit me tomorrow I'll have a 12x12 Quickpage for you that I made with this kit.