Friday, August 14, 2009

Hip Hip Hooray!

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Hip Hip Hooray! Jesse is gone!!! LOL! If you're not a Big Bother fan you don't know what I'm talking about, but trust me---I am a happy camper! Jeff is my hero! Hopefully, Chima and Natalie will get put on the block this week!

I met the girls at school today so we could get a little work done and a little work is exactly what we did. As usual, there was more talking then working. LOL!

I just can't explain to you how bright the yellow is that they have painted our building---hallways and classrooms. It just kind of slaps you in the face when you walk in. LOL!

In the spirit of getting ready for going back to school I pulled out April's Back to School Kit and made a quick page to share with you. The download link is below the picture.

Download QP here

Tomorrow, I'm going to meet up with the girls at school again. We'll do a lot of talking, a little work and then we'll go out for lunch. LOL!

Now, I'm going to catch the first few minutes of Big Brother After Dark before I go to bed. Enjoy your day!