Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Speed Scrap Tonight!

Download Wordart Here

Do you have plans tonight? Yes? Well, cancel them cause there's another fun speed scrap at Stuff to Scrap!

You'll get to hang out with some great girls, make a fabulous layout, have lots of fun and get a prize! How can you beat that?!?! Here's a look at the wonderful papers you'll get for taking part in the speed scrap tonight...

I don't feel so good

Download wordart here

I'm not feeling too well tonight. Half my class has a cold and I haven't been sleeping too well. I still haven't decided if I'm going to school in the morning or if I'm staying home to rest. Right now I'm thinking that staying home sounds good!

I wanted to show you another layout I made with A Vitner's Pleasure by Carol's Digiscrap Creations.

This is such a versatile kit that you can use it it scrap elegant layouts and fun playful ones too. The kit is still on sale at Cool Scraps Digital so go pick it up!

I'm going to try and get some sleep. Enjoy your day and look for me at digifree!