Download wordart here
I am so excited that tomorrow is the last work day this week! I've spent this evening making candy bars to give to the girls at school tomorrow. I used the Pilgrimage Home kit by The Scrappy Kat. I can't give you the wrapper, but you can buy the kit in her Stuff to Scrap store and make one of your own. Here's what mine looks like...
By the way---The kit is one sale now!
I do have a quickpage for you that I made with Deanna's part of the wonderful Joy To The World collab kit. There's room for you to put an extraction and a picture in the frame. Your download link is below the picture.
Download QP here
I'm not sure how much I'll be around this weekend so I've uploaded some wordart freebies to get you through the weekend. Happy Thanksgiving!
Enjoy your day and look for me at digifree!