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The puppet show this morning was awesome! Here's how overworked I am right now. I took the camera because they will usually pose for a quick picture or two with the kids. I was all set to take some great shots to share with you. That's when I realized that I didn't have the memory disk in the camera and the internal memory was full with pictures that I couldn't delete because they are from my friends Christmas party and I need to scrap them as a present for her family. So, I have no pictures on my camera to share. BUMMER! The show was great though and we had lots of fun!
I am now one day closer to vacation! YIPPEE! Keep an eye on April's blog because she is going to be posting some adorable candy bar wrappers that she made with her Christmas kit and you will love them!
I'm going to get some sleep. Enjoy your day and don't forget to look for me at digifree!