Sunday, January 31, 2010

Frosty Part 4 & quickpage

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Today is the last day of the Frosty kit giveaway. I'm kind of sad to see this giveaway come to an end because it's such a pretty kit.

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Make sure you visit Shel's blog to pick this up because it's only going to be free for this week and then the whole kit goes into her store at Stuff to Scrap.

I've got another quickpage for you that I made with this beautiful kit. The download link is below the picture...

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Download QP here

I'm going to get some sleep now. Enjoy your day and don't forget to look for me at digifree!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

CT call for Amanda

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Amanda of Circle of Life Scraps is having her first ever CT call. If you're interested in working on a CT, I know you would enjoy working with Amanda. She's awesome! Here's her flyer and you can find out more on her blog.

I'm going to sleep now. Enjoy your day and don't forget to look for me at digifree!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Finally Friday!

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OK, it's finally Friday and I finally have the First Crush QP for you that was giving me problems the other day. The download link is below the picture.

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Download QP here

The tourists have started arriving in town for all of the Pre SuperBowl activities and that means lots more traffic and longer lines everywhere you go. My car has been parked in the garage and won't move again until it's time to go to work again on Monday morning. Oh well, we walk to most places we go to on the beach anyway.

Right now, I'm going over to Orange Croc Guys house for dinner and I'm already late. Good thing he lives in the same condos I live in. LOL!

Mardi Gras Kit

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I have to share this beautiful layout that April made with you. I've always admired her talent, but now I admire her strength even more. After Charlie passed away I went through a phase where I had to hide all my pictures of him. It just hurt me too much to look at them everyday. April is scrapping her memories and she's sharing many of her memories on her blog. I'm so proud of her!

Just look at what she did with the First Crush kit...

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April has also added a Mardi Gras kit to her store at Scrap it Sassy. It's an awesome kit and you are going to love it! Take a look at this preview...

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There are also two beautiful quickpage freebies on April's blog for you. She made them with her Mardi Gras kit and they are awesome! Here's what they look like...

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I'm going to get some sleep now. Enjoy your day and don't forget to look for me at digifree!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

I'm so sorry!

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I had to remove the link for the rainbow QP from the First Crush kit because it wasn't working and I'm having a hard time getting it reload at 4shared. SORRY! I'll try again later tonight or tomorrow.

My whole day has gone this way. LOL! Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday!

First Crush Quickpages

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I've had so much fun playing with this kit! I hope you've liked it too. Today you get the 12x12 quickpages. The download links are below the preview:

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Purple Heart QP
Double Heart QP

If you go visit my friend Nita's blog she has a couple of quickpages for you too.
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It's been a really fun week and there is more fun to come. Keep your eye's open for a mini blog train called The Streets of Ellay coming February 5th.

Enjoy your day and don't forget to look for me at digifree!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

First Crush Alphabet

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It's time to complete your First Crush kit with the alphabet. The download link is below the preview...

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Download alphabet here

I've got some more inspiration for you! The first is a quickpage that I'll be giving away tomorrow...

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Amanda used items from my kit and Ellay's to make this pretty layout.
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Come back tomorrow for the quickpages and don't forget to look for me at digifree!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

First Crush Elements

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I am so glad you like this kit and I am having a ball learning who your first celebrity crush was on. Ellay and I are glad to learn that we weren't alone in our Scott Baio crush. LOL!

I do have to ask---Rick Springfield? How did I forget about Rick Springfield? LOL!

Today I'm giving away the elements to the kit and I just know you're going to love these! I've got two links for you again today, so make sure you click on both links below the preview...

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Download part 1 here
Download part 2 here

Make sure you visit Ellay's blog to pick up her kit sample if you didn't get it yesterday. It's too good to miss!

Here are some more awesome layouts that were made with the kit. The first one is a quickpage that I'll be giving away on Thursday.

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My friend Nita made this layout.
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Come back tomorrow for the alphabet and don't forget to look for me at digifree!

Monday, January 25, 2010

First Crush

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So, awhile back Ellay started a very interesting conversation by asking one simple question---Who was your first big celebrity crush? I can't tell you how many hours of laughter I got out of the memories that question brought up, but I do have two words for you --- Scott Baio. LOL! Thank goodness I've grown up and am strictly a George Clooney girl now.

Something great, besides all the laughs, came out of the question. I got to team up with Ellay on a new kit called First Crush! I can't tell you how honored I was to work with her on this or how unworthy I felt because Ellay is such an awesome designer. Seriously, just look at the awesome kit she made...

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Ellay has put her kit in her Stuff to Scrap store and it's on sale so you can pick it up for only $2.99! And, if you visit Ellay's Blog you can pick up an awesome kit sampler for free!

You're getting my part of the First Crush kit for free. Here's a preview...

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My part of the kit has 16 papers, an alpha and over 30 elements. Today you're getting the papers. There are two download links, so make sure you pick them both up!

Download part 1 here
Download part 2 here

Here is a layout I made using my part of the kit. I've turned this into a quickpage that I'll be giving away on Thursday, so make sure you come back then.

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Here are some more awesome layouts that were made with the kit...

I made this one using Ellay's kit
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Katie made this beautiful layout
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I just love this layout by Jodi
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Ellay really took the first crush to heart when she was working on her layout!
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Make sure you come back tomorrow for the elements and if you're feeling brave leave a message telling us who your first celebrity crush was. I promise we won't laugh. LOL!

Enjoy your day and don't forget to look for me at digifree!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Frosty Part 3 & Quickpage

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It's time for part three of the wonderful Frosty kit by Shel Belle Scraps!

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I hope you guys are loving this kit as much as I am. I just love all the blues Shel used! Make sure you let Shel know how much you love it when you download and maybe we can twist her arm and get more monochromatic kits. LOL!

As promised I have a quickpage for you. The download link is below the picture...

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Download QP here

Next week Shel will give us the fourth and last part of frosty and I'll give you another quickpage.

Enjoy your day and don't forget to look for me at digifree!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

January's Promise

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Carol has a beautiful kit in her store at Cool Scraps Digital called January's Promise. The kit was inspired by the endless possibilities that a new year brings, but the soft colors of the kit make it perfect for many different layouts. Right now the kit is on sale, so you can get the 20 papers and 32 elements for only $3.68.

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I wanted to share with you one of the layouts I've made with the kit...

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I'm going to sleep now. Make sure you pick up January's Promise while it's on sale and don't forget to look for me at digifree!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Finally Friday

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Well, after a very long three day work week it's finally Friday! LOL! Since there are no kids tomorrow I get to sleep a little later and hopefully I will actually get my desk cleaned off once I get to school.

Tonight, I went over to my neighbor's place for dinner, margaritas and wii sports resort. I just LOVE the fencing game and I LOVE beating Orange Croc Guy at the fencing game. LOL! It was the perfect end to a very short but long week.

I've got a pretty busy weekend planned so I'm not sure if I'll get to post much, but I want to show you what is coming on Monday...

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Make sure you come back to check it out! It's my bedtime now. Enjoy your day and don't forget to look for me at digifree!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Haiti: Sunshine After the Rain Charity Kit

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Do you ever visit Digital Scrapbooking Studio? They have an absolutely beautiful charity kit for Haiti. 100% of the proceeds from this kit will go to help the people of Haiti through Samaritan's Purse. Plus, every dollar earned through the sale of this kit will be matched with an additional 5% donation by The Studio.

You have two options with this kit. For $5.00 you get all of this...

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That's 103 elements and 44 papers!

For your $10.00 donation you get all of the above plus this beautiful 9 page bragbook set

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Please buy this beautiful kit.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Today felt like a Monday

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As much as I love my long weekends, the first day back at school is always a long one. My started when I got to school and checked my email. I learned that I have to go to a meeting tomorrow at 1:00. It's the long boring one where they talk to us about bloodborne pathogens. They make us go every single year and they say the very same thing every single year. BORING!

I got a note this morning from a parent letting me know that she is still trying to locate her mother in Haiti. That made me really sad because so much time has passed since the earthquake. I spoke to her after school and asked if she had gotten any news. She said that she still hasn't spoken to or heard from her mother, but that she did get word from someone else that her mother had been seen and was alive. I hope it's true and I really hope she gets to talk to her soon.

There was good news today---our faculty meeting was canceled. LOL! I also got to go out to dinner with my friends tonight. That's always fun!

I'm off to get some sleep now. Enjoy your day and don't forget to look for me at digifree!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Oh Bummer!

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I should be asleep now but I kind of stayed up too late last night and then took a nice long nap this afternoon. At least I only have to work three days this week! YIPPEE! OK, so technically I have to work four days but Friday is a teacher workday and that means no kids so it doesn't really count. I have to go in and take care of some housecleaning and filing. My two least favorite things. YUCK!

I am seriously going to go count some sheep now and try to fall asleep. Enjoy your day and don't forget to look for me at digifree!