Monday, May 31, 2010

Muddy Girlies!

Scraps of Ellay has teamed up with Ivorykeys Digital Dreams to make a girl version of their Muddy Buddies Kit. This kit is called Muddy Girlies. Isn't that clever of them? LOL! This kit is HUGE and it's the perfect kit for little girls that love to play outside and get just a little muddy. Take a look at the preview...

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I've had fun making layouts with this awesome kit! Take a look...

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You can visit Ellay's Blog and the Ivorykeys Digital Dreams Blog for more layout inspiration. You can pick up the Muddy Girlies kit at Stuff to Scrap. It doesn't matter if you get Muddy Girlies from the Scraps of Ellay store or from the Ivorykeys Digital Dreams store because everything is packaged up into one awesome kit!

Friday, May 28, 2010


We had a mini cry fest in my class room today so it was a good thing that the first present we gave the high school girls was a packet of tissues. LOL!
After we had finished giving them their presents this morning I was talking to their teacher from the high school. I turned around and all four girls had their phones out pecking away. I asked what they were doing and all four answered..."Updating our facebook" LOL!
I am really looking forward to the three day weekend! Now, if I can just convince Orange Croc Guy that we don't need to run all over town looking for geocaches it will be perfect. LOL!
I've got to get some sleep now. Enjoy your day!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Time to move on

I have been very lucky in my lifetime. I've met more wonderful people than those that fall into the not so wonderful category. Many of them are still a part of my life and some have moved on to touch the lives of others.

Now, it's time for my high school volunteers to graduate and move on. I have had many volunteers before them and I'm sure that I'll have many more after them, but I will never again have any like them.

These are four beautiful, intelligent, compassionate girls who have the power within them to change the world. I know because they've already changed mine.

It is with mixed emotions that I send them on to the next stage of their lives. I am envious of the adventures they have waiting for them and yet relieved that I have already been there and don't have to go there again. Some of their adventures will not even seem like adventures until they are long over and nothing more than a memory. As they remember those ordinary adventures I am sure they will remember that someone, who they thought of as really uncool, was there saying, "Someday you'll appreciate this." I hope they let that person know just how right they were.

Other adventures will show themselves right away and may leave these girls happy and excited or tired and bruised. When they feel like they are on top of the world, I hope they will stop and take a deep breath while trying to memorize that feeling. They will be able to draw strength from it when the more challenging adventures present themselves. While facing the harder adventures, I hope the girls remember that brusies fade and wounds heal and tomorrow is another day.

I am worried about the life lessons they will have to learn and yet glad that they will be learning them. There will be many lessons that they won't want to learn, but learn them they must. Those lessons will help to shape the adults that they will become. I hope that they understand that life will not always teach us the lessons we want to learn, but that it usually teaches us the lessons we need to learn.

I am thrilled to see them so excited about the move from high school into adulthood and yet sad because they really have no idea just how much they are leaving behind. I hope they remember that you can leave home, but home never leaves you. No matter where they end up or how they arrived, any road leading away from home can always bring them back again.

If you ask the girls today what they plan on doing with their lives you will learn that one plans to be a teacher, one plans to be a nurse, one plans to become a police officer and that one plans to study criminal justice. These are wonderful plans to have and I hope that they achieve these goals. But, if their lives take a different path, I hope they find something else that excites them as much as these goals do today.

These girls will see many dreams come true while others fade and are forgotten. I hope that they will have the wisdom to know which dreams to persue with all their hearts and pray that they will have the courage to replace the others with newer, bigger and better dreams.

These girls will make many choices in their lives. Some will be easy and some won't. I hope that they don't rush into these choices too quickly or hesitate too long. The choices they make will bring them the joy of success and/or the sadness of failure. I hope they realize that success is about way more than money and things and that an unexpected outcome isn't always a failure. I also hope that they will face both the good and bad with grace and dignity.

In just a little over nine hours these girls will walk into my classroom for the very last time. We will give them cookies and presents. My students will give them hugs and I will tease them because that is what I do. But, what I want them to know...what I should tell them, but probably won't (because that is also how I am) is that...

You have made my classroom and my world a better place.
I will miss you and I believe in you.
I will be here if you need me.
Make me proud.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Memorial Day mini kit by Shel Belle Scraps

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Shel has put a great little mini kit up on her blog and it's free from now until Tuesday. This Memorial Day mini has 7 papers and 11 elements. It also coordinates wonderfully with the Sail Away kit that's available at Stuff to Scrap. Just click on the preview to go to Shel's blog and pick up this wonderful freebie.

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The Sail Away kit is on sale now, so if you haven't picked it up yet---you really should!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What a long day!

I ended up staying awake last night through The Jimmy Kimmel Show because he had the cast of Lost on his show. I don't want to ruin it for anyone that hasn't seen it, but if you're a lost fan you should check it out! It was pretty funny.
Anyway, today was way too long after staying up way too late last night. I took a small nap when I got home today, but I'm ready to go back to bed now.
Enjoy your day!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Bears Eat Beets II by Scraps of Ellay

Ellay is a big fan of The Office and the inspiration for this kit came from a line in one of the episodes---"Bears eat beets." This kit is a remake of an earlier kit by the same name. The first kit was great and this one is even greater!

Here's a preview of the kit...

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While the kit has a definite camping feel to it, it also great for any outdoor and/or zoo pictures you have to scrap. Here are some layouts I've made...

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You can pick up the Bears Eat Beets II kit in the Scraps of Ellay store at Stuff to Scrap and for more layout inspiration visit Ellay's Blog. You may even find that she has a freebie for you there!

Now, I'm tired from watching Lost ALL evening, so I'm going to bed. Enjoy your day!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Happy Time!

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Another long week has ended and I am so happy and tired at the same time.

This morning I got to school to find that a very overgrown flower garden had been completely cleaned out. I stood there staring at the place where the plants used to be for a good three minutes trying to figure out why it looked so different. LOL! I told everyone that I hope I never have to pick a suspect out of a police lineup.

Friday, May 21, 2010

More words of wisdom...

So, on the playground today one of the kids was talking about going to the doctor and getting a shot. That led to a whole conversation about doctors and the prizes they give after you've had a shot or had blood taken. I pretended to be offended and told them that I had gone to the doctor the other day and he took blood but all I got was a band aid. Without skipping a beat one boy spoke up and said, "You should have cried more." LOL!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Rolo Promotion

I got the promotion certificates for the Rolos made. I took this picture befor tying a blue ribbon around them.

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These were made using papers from Daydreams and Wishes & Thompson's Room by Scraps of Ellay and graphics from The Old Academy by FlowerScraps.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Blossom by Shel Belle Scraps

Shel has added a super cute and fun kit to her store at Stuff to Scrap called Blossom. The kit has 14 papers, 37 elements and an alpha. Just take a look at this preview...

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Here are a couple of layouts I've made with the kit...

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For more layout inspiration visit Shel's blog. You may even find a freebie waiting for you there!

Then head on over to the Shel Belle Scraps store and pick up the kit for yourself. It's on sale!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Rolo Certificates

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I sat down to start working on the Rolo Diplomas for my class and decided to make a certificate of appreciation for the high school girls. Here's how they turned out...

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I used paper and elements from the Thompson's Room and Sunshine Daydream kits by Scraps of Ellay.

Now, I've still got to make some for my class. LOL!

Speaking of my class...LOL! I showed them the necklaces I made and they loved them until they read the word "love". Then in typical kindergarten style, they started laughing, gagging and yelling "gross" and "yuck" I explained that it meant you should love your family, and your life and everything you do because if you don't you'll just be sad all the time. One little boy looked at me very skeptically and said, "Do ya think they'll get that?" LOL!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Bubble Bath Buddies

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FlowerScraps and Nibbles Skribbles have teamed up to make a really fun kit called Bubble Bath Buddies. I love it when these two team up! Take a look at the great kit they've put together...

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Trust me when I tell you that as awesome as this kit preview looks, it really doesn't do the kit justice!

Take a look at some of my layouts...

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For more layout inspiration check out the FlowerScraps and Nibbles Skribbles blog. Then head over to the FlowerScraps store at Stuff to Scrap to pick up the kit and make some layouts of your own.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Live Love Laugh

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Today I took my first attempt at making some jewelery. I decided it was best to keep it simple! LOL! I wanted to make necklaces for my high school volunteers and here's a look at what I came up with...

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LOL! I told you I kept it simple!

I used graphics from the Sunshine Daydream Kit by Scraps of Ellay and added the text.

I didn't take a picture of the back of the necklace, but it says...

Ms. Brown's
Kindergarten Class
Greynolds Park
Elementary School

Hopefully, the girls will wear the necklaces and think about us.

If you don't have the Sunshine Daydream Kit, you can pick it up in the Scraps of Ellay Store at Stuff to Scrap.'s on sale!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Purrrfect Princess

Scraps of Ellay teamed up with Katie of Always Be Neighbors to create this awesome kit! It's perfect for the little princess in your life and for the cat too! Check out these previews...

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Here are some layouts I made with the kit...

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This layout was made using parts from both kits...
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This layout was made using papers and elements from the Always Be Neighbors kit...
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This layout was made using only items from the Scraps of Ellay kit...
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You can pick up the kit by Scraps of Ellay in her Stuff to Scrap store. Make sure you visit Ellay's blog too, you just might find a little freebie waiting for you there.

After you visit those two places head over to Always Be Neighbors to pick up the goodies they've got waiting for you!

Friday, May 14, 2010

I can do it!

In just a couple of weeks my high school volunteers will be graduating and moving on. I've got my class making surprises for them. The kids all know that we can't talk about it while the girls in the room and they've done a wonderful job of keeping the secret. I'm so proud of them, because normally they can't wait to shout out the secrets. LOL!

This morning before the girls came in we were all talking about our plans and what we still needed to get done. I told my class that this was very sad for me because I've had Miss Mary and Miss Katherine helping me for two years. Now, they're graduating and moving on.

One of my students very incredulously said, "Now you'll have to do all the work by yourself!" I was expecting sympathy from him as I said just as incredulously, "yes!" Instead, he looked at me and said, "Good for you. You should be able to do it by now." LOL!

This was the same kid who asked me where I worked earlier in the year. LOL!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Another day down!

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So, my friend Terry and I celebrated Wednesday with 2 for 1 Margaritas. Every day should be celebrated that way. LOL!

Now, I'm super tired and going to bed. Enjoy your day!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Stupid Song!

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I have girls in my class that love to sing. Everyday on the playground they put on "shows" for me. Well, today they came up to me and said, "We'll sing whatever you want to hear." Then in a softer voice one girl said to me, "Just say Justin Bieber though." LOL!

Well, since I could hear anything I wanted to hear as long as it was Justin Bieber I requested Bruce Springsteen. LOL! You should have seen the looks on their faces as they laughed and me and said things like, "What? "I don't know that song." and "I told you to say Justin Bieber!"

They decided to ignore my request and start singing (very loudly) "Baby, baby, baby..." Other kids came to join them. The original singers didn't want to be outdone so one of those girls stepped onto the picnic table bench. Other kids followed her---she stepped on top of the picnic table. Before I know it, I've got most of my class standing on top of the picnic table singing "Baby, baby, baby, oh...." at the top of their lungs.

There was one of the older girls who came walking by and she just had to stop and watch. She stood there shaking her head with this look on her face that just seemed to say, "I can't believe I'm seeing this." LOL! I know how she felt.

Here's the worst part----that happened between 11:30 and 12 this morning and I have spent the rest of the day walking around with "Baby, baby, baby, oh..." stuck in my head. This is worse then the time I realized I was walking through the grocery store singing "Mother Gooney Bird." LOL!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Choo Choo by FlowerScraps

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FlowerScraps is releasing a new kit today called Choo Choo. It's all about trains and it is perfect for scraping those little boy pictures you've got. Take a look at this preview...

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I couldn't wait to start playing with this kit when I got it! Take a look at the layouts I've made.

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For more layout inspiration, check out FlowerScraps Blog and to pick up this awesome kit visit her store at Stuff to Scrap or Divine Digital.