Tuesday, August 31, 2010

STS Speed Scrap!

The Scrappy Kat is hosting a speed scrap at Stuff to Scrap. Check it out. I promise you'll have fun!

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You'll also get this awesome participation prize...
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I'll still be at work, so go and have enough fun for me too, OK?

Monday, August 30, 2010

Asian Beauty by Scraps of Ellay

Scraps of Ellay and Misty O'Brien Designs worked together and created a gorgeous kit called Asian Beauty. You are really going to love this one! Check out the preview...


The first thing I thought of when I saw this kit was the Botanical Garden we have here on Miami Beach. It's small and I know people who have lived here their entire life that didn't even realize it existed. I've attended a really pretty wedding there and somewhere in this garden there is a micro geocache that we have been trying to find FOREVER!

Here are a couple of layouts that I've made with this awesome kit...


For more layout inspiration visit Ellay's blog and head on over to the Scraps of Ellay store at STS to buy the kit. It's on sale right now!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

I think I need a vacation...already!

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I woke up around 7:30 this morning and had a mini freak out thinking I had slept late. Once I figured out it was Saturday and I didn't have to be anywhere I fell back to sleep.

I woke up again about an hour later with the phone in my hand. I have no idea if I tried to call someone or if the phone rang and I answered it without really waking up. No one I know has said anything about having a strange conversation with me this morning. lol!

I just hope I wasn't trying to order fajitas in my sleep. LOL!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

And the kids keep coming!

The first week of school has ended and overall I have to say that it was a very good week for me. I'm tired, but happy with how my class has adjusted so far.

The thing I'm not happy about---getting another student on Monday. It will be student number 24! Apparently, Dade County doesn't see the need to worry about that silly little state law that says there should be no more than 18 kindergarten students in a class.

The worst part of it all is feeling guilty about not wanting that many students. I look at their smiling faces and know that my room wouldn't be the same without them, but still daydream of hearing that another teacher has been hired.

All this stress isn't good for me so I treated myself to those fajitas. LOL! The cute delivery guy showed up looking cute, of course. He had his smile all ready for me as soon as I opened the door. It was the perfect way to end the week!

Friday, August 27, 2010

STS Speed Scrap!

Scraps of Ellay is hosting a speed scrap at Stuff to Scrap. You should check it out ! I promise you'll have fun and you'll get an awsome participation prize!

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Here's what you get for attending...

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Have fun!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Man, oh man!

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Tonight Orange Croc Guy told me that I haven't been any fun lately. The first week of school zaps your energy and your fun. lol!

I got another student today and yes it was a boy. That's 23 kids and 16 of them are boys.

If I make it to Friday, I'm celebrating by ordering fajitas. Now, that will be fun!!! lol!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

My First Day by Flower Scraps

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Here's an adorable kit for scrapping all those back to school pictures...

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Deanna has really outdone herself with this kit! The colors of the papers and the elements are just amazing!

Sadly, I haven't had the time or the energy to play with the kit since we had our first day of school, but I did make a layout and use a picture of my buddy, Vincent.
Since Vincent is now in second grade the picture is only a couple of years old. LOL!

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Keep an eye on FlowerScraps blog for an add-on to the kit and for more layout inspiration. Make sure you visit her store to buy the kit.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I survived the first day of school

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Today was the first day of school and everything went well. Right now I have 22 students---15 boys and 7 girls.

I was planning on taking a break from my post card project this year, but I had a parent change my mind today. She didn't speak much English, but she came in asked if I was "The postcard lady" and handed me a postcard from Tampa. How can I not do the postcard project after that?

If you can please send a postcard to my class from your town, state and/or vacation spot it would be awesome. We use these in class to learn about other places and compare them to where we live. I've done this project for a few years now and it is always such a big hit with the kids in my class. There is nothing they love more then receiving these postcards from far away and not so far away places.

The kids I teach don't get to travel. We have all kinds of awesome things to see and do here in Miami but most of my students won't or do any of them any time soon. Many of them have never been anywhere but the neighborhood they live in. As hard as it is to believe, every year I have students who have never been to the beach and we are surrounded by the ocean.

The postcards you send open up the world to these kids in more ways then you can imagine. After reading the postcards and looking at the pictures, we locate the area on a map. This opens up discussions about how far away it is from Miami, what would be the best way to travel there, is their weather similar to ours, what makes this place like or different from where we live, etc.

We'll be collecting the postcards all year long so anytime you can send would be awesome. Here's our address...

Ms. Brown's Class
Greynolds Park Elementary
1536 N.E. 179th Street
North Miami Beach, FL 33162

Thank you so much for helping us! If there's something I can do to help with your or your child's class just ask!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Under The Bed by Scraps of Ellay

Here's a fun new kit by Scraps of Ellay called Under the Bed...

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Aren't those little monsters just the cutest?!?! The kit is in the Scraps of Ellay store at STS and right now it's on sale for only $2.99.

Here are a couple of layouts that I've made...

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Head over to Ellay's blog for more layout inspiration and you just may find a goodie waiting for you there.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Quick Page Freebie!

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I posted a QP freebie for you on the Stars of Ellay CT blog. Make sure you pick it up soon because it's only going to be available for one week. Just click on the preview to go to the CT blog to pick it up.

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Enjoy your day!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Feeling Old?

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Feeling old? Check out this years Beloit College Mindset List. You won't feel any younger. LOL!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

One day done...

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Ok, the alarm went off this morning and I only hit the snooze button 5 times before getting out of bed. lol!

I was supposed to be at school by 8:15 so I pulled into the parking lot at 8:00 and saw that my car was the third one there. One of the other cars belonged to the security guard that unlocks our building and the other belonged to a teacher that uses our parking lot, but isn't in our building. Guess I wasn't the only one that didn't want to get out of bed today.

Anyway, I made the hike over to the main office to pick up my room key, stopped to talk to people as I saw them, then went to my room and got to work.

I was working so hard and was so proud of myself! When I finally stopped to take a break I thought that it must be getting close to lunch time and looked at clock only to learn that it was 8:50. I hadn't even been there an hour! lol!

I worked hard the rest of the day except for a couple gossip sessions, getting online to read news reports, a trip to the bank, running out to pick up lunch and a phone call or two.

I'm just can't figure out why my room doesn't look that much different from the way it looked when I walked in this morning. lol!

Good thing I don't actually get kids until Monday!

I'm exhausted from all that work and need to get some sleep. lol!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


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Remember how summer vacation lasted forever when we were kids? Why can't it be that way now?

I actually set the alarm to go off this morning because I haven't heard it since June. It went off, I woke up, turned it off and went right back to sleep. lol! I just hope that the next time it goes off I remember that I actually have to get out of bed.

Anyway, I've got a long day of setting my class room up ahead of me so I better get some sleep. Wish me luck!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Happy Hour by Scraps of Ellay

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I don't think Scraps of Ellay has made a kit that I didn't fall in love with at first sight and her new Happy Hour kit is no different! Take a look at this preview...

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The kit has 18 papers, 75 elements and 2 alphas. It's perfect for scrapping party nights and girls night out. It can also be used to make some super cute party invitations!

Here are some of the layouts I've made...

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This layout was for the quote challenge at STS
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Here's my friend Judi with her husband
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Check out Ellay's blog for more layout inspiration and go to the Scraps of Ellay store at Stuff to Scrap to buy the Happy Hour Kit.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

It's all good!!!

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I got back home last night and crashed! I was really tired, so I still have lots of emails to answer. I promise I'm not ignoring anyone.

Let me give you the good news first!!!!
The cute fajita delivery guy didn't quit after all!!!!

This evening I was going out to dinner with Orange Croc Guy and my neighbors. It was around 7:30 and we were walking because that's how we roll. lol! As we approached the pedestrian gate to exit the property guess who was walking in?!?! That's right! Cute fajita delivery guy!!!

Now, I know that we were in a crowded area surrounded by people who were coming and going in all directions, but when I look back and remember it now it felt more like we were all alone in a field of wildflowers running in slow motion towards each other.

As soon as I saw him I stopped, made sure it was really him walking toward me then said, "You're here."

Now, my neighbor was standing behind him and he couldn't see her checking out his rear end and giving me a thumbs up while Orange Croc Guy and her husband stood behind her checking their watches and pretending they didn't know any of us.

Cute fajita delivery guy smiled at me and said, "hey, I haven't seen you in a while."

ME: Some strange delivery guy said you quit.

CFDG: (seemed confused at first) No, I didn't quit...oh, there was another guy who did quit and I had to change my schedule for awhile while they trained another driver.

ME: So, do you promise that the next time I order fajitas you'll deliver them.

CFDG: Of course, you're my favorite customer.

ME: Ok, I'll see you soon!

CFDG: (flashing that beautiful smile of his) Looking forward to it.

Then as CFDG started to walk away, his arm brushed against mine! We were outside and there was plenty of room so he must have brushed against me on purpose!!! (Do I sound like I'm 12?)

My neighbor gave me a high five, her husband rolled his eyes and OCG said, "I can't take you anywhere."

We walked about 10 steps with the guys a few feet in front of us before I got a stone caught in my sandal and called for everyone to wait a minute. OCG immediately turned around and said, "We are not going back so that you can order fajitas!" I acted all offended by that comment as I said, "Dude, I just need to get a rock out of my shoe." After he turned back around, I whispered to my neighbor, "We are so ordering fajitas tomorrow!" She agreed 100%! lol!

Now here's the bad news:
My summer vacation is over!

I have to go back to school on Tuesday. Where has the summer gone and why did it go so quickly?!?!

Ok, I've got to get some sleep now. Enjoy your day!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Quick page freebie!

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I've got the second QP freebie from the Playing in the Park kit by April the Scrapaholic for you today. Just click on the preview to download.


Head over to April's blog to buy the kit.

I'm going out of town for a couple of days. One last quick trip before I have to go back to school. Hopefully all the links will work while I'm gone!

Have a great week and I'll "see" you soon!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Makin' It Funky Collab Kit

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Shel Belle Scraps has teamed up with Designs By Christi to make a super cute kit called Makin' It Funky. You're going to love the bright colors in these kits! Check out the previews...

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The bright colors make the kit perfect for all kinds of pictures. I've used Shel's kit for layout challenges at Stuff to Scrap. This first layout was for the template challenge...
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This layout was for the font challenge...
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The kits are available at Stuff to Scrap and you can see more layout inspiration on both Shel and Christi's blogs.

When you visit Shel and Christi, you just may find a freebie waiting there for you!

Anna Mae's Closet by Scraps of Ellay

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Check out this awesome kit called Anna Mae's Closet by Scraps of Ellay! It's perfect for all your girly-girl pictures.

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Aren't the colors fun?!?! There are 19 papers, an alpha and over 70 elements.

Here are two layouts I've made with the kit so far...

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Check out Ellay's blog for more layout inspiration then go to the Scraps of Ellay store at Stuff to Scrap and get the Anna Mae's Closet kit.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Playing at the Park QP Freebie

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April the Scrapaholic has added a cute kit to her store called Playing at the Park. Take a look at this preview...

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I've made a quick page for you using this awesome kit. Just click on the preview to go to 4shared and download.

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I'll have another QP for you in a couple of days so make sure you stop by again. Enjoy your day!