Saturday, March 6, 2010

A couple of shout outs...

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Forgive me, but I need to get a message or two out and this is the best way for me to do it. LOL!

cjpeterson38 - It's safe for you to download the Kiss Me QP, because it doesn't have a date on it. I put the date on mine, but the quickpage just has the heart tag.

ABSees123s - Yes, it's me! It's so good to hear from you. I hope you're having a wonderful school year. Mine has been VERY challenging. Email me if you get the chance. I'd love to catch up!

Emma - I tried answering your email, but it came back as undeliverable. Do you have another email address I can reach you at?

OK, thanks for letting me do that. LOL!

I hope you haven't forgotten to check out the CT call for Shel Belle Scraps! There's still time to apply.

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You'll also want to check out Shel's blog tomorrow for the first part of her new Buttercup kit!

I'm calling it a night now. Enjoy your day!