Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Spring fun Alphas!
Download wordart here
Aren't you loving this beautiful Spring Fun kit as much as I am? Today Shel and Becky are giving us the alphas! Again, these are only available for 24 hours so make sure you pick them up quickly!
Shel's Kit
Becky's Kit
Here's another layout I made with Becky's kit...
I saved this layout as a quickpage. Come by tomorrow to pick it up!
Now, go get those alphas and don't forget to come back tomorrow!
Over The Rainbow by FlowerScraps!
Download wordart here
Deanna is adding a wonderful spring kit to her FlowerScraps store at Stuff to Scrap called Over the Rainbow. I just love the colors in this kit and I know you are going to love them too! Take a look at this preview...
I know you have lots of pictures that will go wonderfully with this kit. Take a look at a couple of the layouts I made...
If you would like the Memories wordart I used on my first layout, you can download it here.