Monday, June 7, 2010

Will you help save a life?

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I'm not sure if you are familiar with or not, but right now I really wish you would check it out. People send in anonymous postcards with their secrets written on them. It's supposed to be therapeutic. Some secrets are sad, some are funny, some are scary. Yesterday this postcard was on the site...

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It breaks my heart to think of someone being out there and feeling so alone. My heart isn't the only one that is hurting for this person. A Facebook group has been started with the hopes of this person seeing all the love that is pouring in from all over the world. The last time I checked over 24,000 people had joined the group. You can't read the posts without crying!

There is someone who lives in the San Francisco area that is planning to print all the heartwarming wall posts on Sunday, taking them to the bridge and taping them up all along the walkway.

How can you help? Join the Facebook group, leave a comment, if you live in or near San Francisco go to the bridge and help tape up the comments. Reach out to anyone who you think needs to be reminded that they are loved, that they are needed and that they do matter.

Poor Terry!

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Earlier tonight I got a strange email from my friend Terry. When I tried to email her back I got a message saying that my email was undeliverable because of a "permanent" something or other.

I immediately sent her a text and learned that she had not sent the email. I let her know that she needed to check her computer right away! Well, several hours have gone by now and she is still performing a full system scan. She says that her computer is "all kinds of messed up."

Hopefully, she's caught it before too much damage has been done and anyone who received the fake email from her will be able to keep their computers safe too. The scan on my computer said that I was ok so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that that's true cause I really don't want to have another computer crash!

Right now, I'm going to get some sleep. I'm really excited that this is my last week of school! Enjoy your day!