Saturday, July 10, 2010

There should be a law....

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Was there a comedian whose tag line was "There should be a law?"

Today my neighbor came over to show me her latest wii workout game. It's one where you pretend you're walking on an island while it tracks how many steps you've taken and how many calories you've burned. While you're walking you earn points that you can use to "unlock" things like park benches, street lights and palm trees to "decorate" your island.

Well, here's how part of that conversation went...

Me: You realize we live on Miami Beach, right?
Her: Yes.
Me: (taking her hand and walking her to the window) What do you see out there?
Her: What are you talking about?
Me: That's water and that flat gray stuff by it is called a sidewalk and people WALK on it. Now, if you don't want to walk by the bay, you can go eleven blocks in that direction (pointing behind us) or ten blocks in that direction (pointing beside us) and you're at the Atlantic Ocean. You can use the sidewalk or the boardwalk or even walk in the sand.'ll see lots of hot young guys with their shirts off!
Her: (laughing) Quit making fun of me! I can use this when it rains or when it's just too hot to go outside.

I had to admit that she had a point about the rain and the heat in the summer and she had to admit that I had a point about the hot guys with their shirts off. I still say there should be a!