Monday, August 29, 2011

My annual begging post!

I know I ask for a lot from you guys, but you have always come through for me. Besides, I'm asking for the kids in my class and not for myself. Just look at the little cuties! How can you not help?

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If you've read my blog for awhile you already know about the post card project I do every year and what a big hit it is with the kids, parents and other adults too.

I teach at a school that isn't in the best of neighborhoods and the kids have limited life experiences. They don't often travel outside of the neighborhood they live in. There is a whole world out there and it's beautiful and exciting and I am afraid that many of these children will never see much of it.

You can make a huge difference and help with our learning experience by sending us postcards from your hometown/state/vacation spot. We use the postcards to learn about areas outside of Miami. We locate the places on a map and discuss the best ways to travel there. We compare the similarities and differences. We check the weather. We talk about the fun things people do in the different places and the jobs they have.

The kids love it when a new postcard arrives and the lady working in the office has fun reading them too. LOL!

We'll be collecting postcards all year so there's no rush anytime you can send one would be great. Here's our address...

Ms. Brown's Class
Greynolds Park Elementary
1536 N.E. 179th Street
North Miami Beach, FL 33162

Want a chance to win a $5 gift certificate to Stuff to Scrap? Just make a post about our postcard project on your blog. You can put the address or just send your readers here. I'll also be linking to this post on twitter so you can retweet that for me too.

If you make a blog post or retweet, please come back here and leave a comment letting me know. Next Monday (September 5) I'll pick one person to get the Stuff to Scrap gift certificate.

Thanks for helping! You guys are the best!

Where does the time go?

Download wordart here

Seriously!?! Why does time go by so quickly on the weekends?

I didn't even get to do anything fun!