Sunday, October 16, 2011

Harvest of Memories Collab Kit!

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Shel Belle Scraps teamed up with The Scrappy Kat to work on a beautiful kit called Harvest of Memories. Check out the full preview of Shel's portion...

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Aren't those colors just gorgeous?!?!

Check out one of my layouts...

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Now, here's the part that makes this gorgeous kit even can get it for FREE!!! Starting today, Shel Belle Scraps and The Scrappy Kat are giving Harvest of Memories away in free daily downloads. Just visit each of their blogs to pick up the daily downloads. Today you get the papers and they are only going to be available for 24 hours, so don't waste any time!

You can click on the preview below to visit Shel Belle Scraps, then make sure you head over to The Scrappy Kat's blog for her papers.

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Things really need to slow down!

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Have you ever been so busy that you feel like you don't have time to breathe? Well, that's been my life lately and I'm ready for things to slow down!

School has been crazy. Apparently, the powers that be have decided that teachers are worthless and must be micro-managed while also deciding that ALL students understand and remember EVERYTHING the first time they're exposed to it. That has made things rather..... umm......interesting....and exhausting!

Is it November yet? I really need my "me" month!