Thursday, October 20, 2011

Harvest of Memories Add-Ons!

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Shel Belle Scraps and The Scrappy Kat have one last Harvest of Memories freebie for you today. They are each giving away a beautiful paper pack add on. Shel has got some cardstocks and The Scrappy Kat has some worn papers. The preview below is linked to Shel's blog for you.

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Give me a break!

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After four days of rain my street still hasn't flooded! I'm seriously considering moving! Well, that's not true, but I am still mad at the weatherman!

Then to pour salt on the wound....or maybe I should say an umbrella over the puddle.....the AC was out at school AGAIN!

I'm not sure how that's the weatherman's fault, but I'm already mad at him so he's taking the blame. I mean, why should I be upset with two different people when I can concentrate on being angry with one?

I'm efficient like that! lol!