Thursday, December 29, 2011

Nothing, sweet nothing!

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Today was absolutely wonderful cause I did nothing! Well, I did a couple of things, but nothing a responsible adult would admit to. lol!

Luckily, I'm not a responsible adult so I'll tell you all about it. lol!

I woke up early and had ice cream for breakfast. Hey, I made that trip to the store so I had to eat it!

I did a little scrapping.

I went back to bed.

I got up and did a little more scrapping.

I pulled out an old childhood comfort food and had it for lunch ~~~peanut butter and celery. (eating celery totally makes up for the ice cream at breakfast, right?)

I played on the internet.

I played on the wii.

I took a shower and then put on a pair of clean pajamas. (I had been wearing the other ones all day.)

I started reading The Weird Sisters by Eleanor Brown and I totally love it! (I highly recommend that you read it too!)

I discovered that there was nothing on TV and played on the internet some more.

I read more of The Weird Sisters. (I'll probably finish this tomorrow.)

I typed up this blog post.

What an awesome day!

In my next life I want to be rich so I can live like this all the time!