Friday, March 30, 2012

March QP contest at CSD!

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This month's quickpage contest at Cool Scraps Digital is amazing! There are some beautiful QPs being given away and they were all made using Spring A Ling Ding Dong by Pmarie. Check out the kit preview...

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Just click on the preview below to download the QP I made from box or click here to download from 4shared and make sure you check out the contest in the CSD forum. You don't want to miss out on all the great pages!

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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The return of Sebastian!

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Look who came to school today!!!!!.....And.....check out that Spiderman cast!!!!!.....And.....look at those cool wheels he gets to ride around on!!!!!

(That's Ms. Natasha, my new college volunteer, in the pic with Sebastian.)

Sebastian returned to school for a little while today and everyone was so happy to see him! He came in a little shy and uncertain, but it didn't take long for him to warm up and flash some of his famous smiles.

We even got to open some of the mail that came to school during and after spring break. That was so much fun! There was a beautiful space themed pillowcase, some Spiderman goodies, (He's wearing one of the Spiderman socks he got in the pic!) and a box full of beautiful blank cards with envelopes that Sebastian can use as thank you cards for his doctors and nurses.

Sebastian didn't stay for very long today and may not put in a full day at school for some time, but that's ok.

Today he came to school and for just a little while my class was complete again.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Eleven hours!

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Eleven hours.....eleven wonderful hours! That's how much sleep I got last night. I told you I was tired, didn't I? lol!

Here's to hoping that this week is less tiring than last week!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

What a boring week!

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I really wish I had a fun, exciting story to tell you but I don't. This was just a long boring week. Going back to work after spring break and the time change kicked my butt! The only thing I've wanted to do lately is sleep!

I even turned down the chance to order fajitas because I was too worn out to get all pretty for the Cute Fajita Delivery Guy.

I did go see The Hunger Games on Friday and loved it! Have you seen it? What did you think?

Now, I'm off to get some more of that wonderful sleep that I just haven't been able to get enough of lately.

Friday, March 23, 2012

The Story of Me part 33

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September 2, 1996

Harmony sat in her seat quietly and waited for class to start. The three girls who shared Harmony’s table talked and giggled as they told stories about summer, the other kids in class and how cute their teacher was. No one was paying any attention to Harmony and she liked it that way.

“Excuse me, we’re talking to you.” Harmony looked up to see the girls at her table staring at her.

“Is there something wrong with you? Are you sure you’re in the right class? They have a class for the slow students down the hall.” The little girl who seemed to the be leader of the three said smuggly.

“I’m new here.” Harmony answered.

“Oh, well, I’m Brooke and this is Ashley.” She said pointing to the girl with long auburn hair. “That’s Hayley sitting beside you. We’ve been friends since Kindergarten.”

“Hello” Harmony whispered as she smiled at the three pretty friends.

Brooke continued to talk for the group. “Everyone wants to be friends with us. Would you like to be our friend?”

Harmony sat up a little straighter in her chair. “Yes, I don’t have any friends.”

All three girls laughed. “You don’t have any friends? That’s messed up. Are you weird or mental.”

“I don’t know what that means.”

Brooke looked back and forth between her friends and exhaled loudly. “Why don’t you have any friends?” She asked Harmony exasperated.

“I’m new here.”

“Well, that explains why we’ve never seen you before. Where did you live before?” Brooke pressed for details.

“I lived with my Grandma Pat.”

The three girls rolled their eyes at each other, before Brooke continued with the questions. “You lived with your grandmother. That’s so sweet. My mom teaches fifth grade here and my father is a policeman. Ashley’s dad works at one of the big banks downtown and her mom stays home with the baby. Hayley’s family own a restaurant on the beach. What do your parents do?”

Harmony lowered her voice as she answered. “I don’t have parents.”

The three girls exchanged looks sending secret messages to each other, but Brooke continued to do all the talking. “How can you not have parents? Everyone has parents.”

“I’ve never had parents. I lived with my Grandma Pat until she got sick and now I live with The Harrisons. They‘re friends of Grandma Pats from church”

All three girls moved as far away from Harmony as they could get without actually leaving the table. After a few moments of silence Brooke once again spoke for the small group of friends. “I don’t think our parents would want us to be hanging around with you. After lunch, you better move to another table.”

The three girls spent the rest of the morning ignoring Harmony.

My Little Hostess by IvoryKeys Digital Dreams and Scraps of Ellay

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IvoryKeys Digital Dreams and Scraps of Ellay to teamed up to bring us another one of their fabulous kits! This one is called My Little Hostess and it is full of fun papers and elements that are perfect for scrapping all kinds of fun pictures. Check out the kit preview...

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Once again, I scrapped some of the pictures from my photography homework. Thank goodness my friend Amanda likes to have her picture taken!

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You can find My Little Hostess at Stuff to Scrap and make sure you check out Susan's blog as well as Ellay's for more layout inspiration.

Hazel mini kit by Shel Belle Scraps

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Shel of Shel Belle Scraps has a gorgeous new mini kit called Hazel. It's perfect for scrapping pics of all the young ladies in your life. Hazel had 10 papers and 20 elements. Check out the preview...

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Here's a layout I made using one of the photos I took for my portrait photography homework assignment...

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Right now Hazel is on sale in the Shel Belle Scraps store at Stuff to Scrap so check it out and save some money!

You should also check out Shel's blog for more layout inspiration!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


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Spring break is over and it was back to work for me today. UGH!

The good news is that there were some more cards and packages waiting for Sebastian when I got there. THANK YOU!!!

Sebastian is getting his Spiderman cast put on Wednesday, so if you could remember him and his doctors in your thoughts and prayers that day it would be appreciated. I've already told mom that we want to see a picture of that cool cast!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Oh man...or should I say men...

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It's been a rough week for most of my boyfriends! First Russell Brand got arrested and then George Clooney. Orange Croc Guy is the only one that managed to stay out of the clink. I asked him if he wanted to throw a strangers cell phone, cross a police line or maybe rob a bank so that he wouldn't be the underachiever in my life. He said no but, that he may want to have me committed. Then he went back to watching basketball like I wasn't even in the room.

MEN! Can't live with 'em. Can't get 'em all arrested at the same time!

I've been taking black and white photos all week for my class. I love black and white photos! They seem sad somehow and so that fit with my mood after having two thirds of my boyfriends arrested. Here are some of the pics I'm thinking about presenting in class tomorrow. Let me know what you think...

Oh, and could you try to let me know what you think before my class starts at 9 AM. lol!

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I don't think I'll be losing the least creative title any time soon, but that's ok. I'll wear my crown with pride as I hang out with my underachiever. lol!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Do you feel lucky?

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Join the St. Patrick's day fun at STS tomorrow!

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The Story of Me part 32

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People I Loved Who loved Me Back

Leo Lewis

It’s important that I back my story up and tell you about Leo Lewis. We were children, but I loved Leo from the first moment I saw him and I believe that’s when he fell in love with me too. It was Leo who became my first friend. Leo who kept the other kids at school from picking on me. Leo who listened to my secrets and told me his. Leo who planned a future with me and made me believe that anything was possible.

Leo was born to an unwed teenage mother just like I had been. His mother had given up her rights in hope that Leo would be adopted by a family who could give him a better life than she could provide. She had never held her son. She never really saw him. She was unaware that he had been born with a heart defect that would require surgery and prevent any family from wanting to adopt him. His defect wasn’t fatal, but the surgery was expensive and families were afraid to adopt a child that would require so much medical attention as such an early age. Any families that were offered Leo opted to wait for a healthy baby.

Leo spent the first six months of his life in the hospital and the three years following that moving from one foster home to another. He started acting out, became a discipline problem and was moved to a county group home. Leo told me once that going to that group home was the best thing that ever happened to him because he never would have met me otherwise.

The boys in the home had to share everything. Leo slept in a room with five other boys sharing three sets of bunk beds. Leo was the youngest and therefore learned to fight for what he wanted at an early age. The counselors that ran the house were more interested in receiving their weekly paychecks than in actually helping the boys. As long as things were quiet and there was no visible blood or bruises no one stepped in to stop the bullying that went on daily.

I was eight years old when I first met Leo and only eleven years old the last time I saw him. He was a year older than me, but he had not passed the third grade so we were together at school. According to Leo, not passing the third grade was the second best thing that ever happened to him because it allowed us to be in the same class. Leo wasn’t dumb he just didn’t have any one to support or help him. He had been alone in the world until I came along. We were kindred spirits.

Twelve years passed between the last time I saw Leo an the day I died, but I never stopped loving him, waiting for him or hoping we would find each other again.

That Man of Mine by Nibbles Skribbles

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Check out this fun kit from Nibbles Skribbles called That Man of Mine! It's perfect for scrapping pictures of that man of yours...

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This kit has 40 elements, 12 papers and a full alpha. Chech out the layout I made...

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You can find That Man of Mine in the Nibbles Skribbles store at The Studio and you're really lucky cause right now, it's on sale!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

My Creation by FlowerScraps

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If you've got kids you've probably got Legos and the My Creation kit by FlowerScraps is perfect for scrapping pics of of both! This fun kit has bright colors and fun elements. Take a look at the preview...

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I made a layout for Sebastian...

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Check out the flowerScraps blog for more layout inspiration and a freebie!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Spring Fling Collection by Nibbles Skribbles

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The designers at The Studio have all used the same color palette to design some great spring themed mini kits. Manda of Nibbles Skribbles loved the colors so much she made lots of goodies! Check them out...

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Isn't it all just the cutest?! AND.....all the kits are on sale for $1 until the
20th! Cool, huh?

I love that everything can be mixed and matched. That's exactly what I did to make this layout...

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Check out the Nibbles Skribbles blog for more layout inspiration and make sure you visit the Nibbles Skribbles store before the sale is over!