Friday, April 20, 2012

The Story of Me part 36

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October 31, 1996

Gene and Mary held hands and laughed as they watched Harmony and Leo dance around in the living room with their matching Halloween costumes. Both children were wearing ghost costumes made from old bed sheets. Gene had helped Leo dress his costume up with a top hat and a bow tie. Harmony had added a pink tutu and plastic tiara to hers.

Leo had spent a lot of time with Harmony and the Harrisons since that first playdate back in September. The Harrisons had purchased some clothes for Leo and allowed him to keep some of his things at their house. Leo had explained how things had to be shared at the group home and were often stolen. Leo was as proud of the cardboard box of belongings he had sitting in the Harrison’s lving room as rich people are of their mansions.

The Harrisons had initially been worried about the amount of time Harmony spent with Leo, but they were good for each other and he was a respectful boy. They decided that it was destiny that brought the two lost children together.

“We better get going before all the good candy gets taken.” Gene Harrison said as he clapped his hands together and motioned for the front door.

Harmony and Leo held hands as they skipped out of the house saying ‘trick or treat’ over and over again.