Saturday, May 26, 2012

DSS Quickpage Contest

Download wordart here

Check out the kit we were given at DigiScrapStation for this month's quickpage contest...

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Check out the fun in the forum and pick up the QP I made by clicking on the preview below...

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CSD Quickpage contest!

Download wordart here

Do you love Steampunk? You know you do! And that means you're going to love this month's quickpage contest at Cool Scraps Digital.

We were given this gorgeous kit by EMS Arts...

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There are lots of beautiful and free quickpages that were made using this kit posted in the forum at Cool Scraps Digital.

Here's a layout I made and saved as a quickpage for you...

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You can get my QP by clicking on the preview below...

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Just in case you doubted my dorkiness...

Download wordart here

I got to school on Friday and realized that I had forgotten my lunch, so when lunchtime rolled around I dropped off my kids and headed to Wendy's.

At Wendy's, I ordered at the drive thru then pulled around, paid for my order, got my change and drink and then drove away.

I was almost back at school when I realized that I had NOT gotten my food.

Where's the beef? Actually, I ordered the spicy chicken sandwich so.....Where's the chicken?

I turned the car around and went back for my food.

Sadly, I've done this exact thing before.....and even more sadly, I'll probably do it again!

Do you think that I just might be ready for summer vacation?