Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Viernes Culturales

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Last Friday we headed into Little Havanna to attend Viernes Culturales (Cultural Fridays) which is held the last Friday of every month.

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This is not a neighborhood I venture into often, but we wanted to take advantage of the festival to practice our street photography. The locals were so nice and since the Domino Park is a stop on all the guided tours in Miami they are used to having strangers take their pictures.

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It was a fun night!

Here's my friend James pretending that he's cool enough to hang with Bill Clinton...

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Here's my friend Norma getting a little too close to Bill...

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And here's my friend Alex who actually got behind the cutout photo thingy when I told him too...

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No festival is complete without a street performer...

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Just in case I haven't bored you enough with my photos here are some of my favorite random shots. These are the photos we went hoping to get...

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OK, I'm done boring you with photos.....for now. lol!