Wednesday, August 15, 2012

500 Fabulous Followers!

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You like me! You really like me! lol!

I was happy to get home from my first day back at school and learn that I had gotten my 500th blog follower. So happy in fact that I decided to give 5 of you a little surpise.

So, Knitmachinequeen (KMQ) you're the first prize winner since you are lucky number 500. Congrats and thank you!

I used to pick four more winners....

***Scrappin Mama***
***Anne Welby***

I need all five of you to send me an email so that I can send you your surprises.

I also need to thank ALL of you for letting me bore you with my stories, for laughing at my goof ups and for lifting me up when I need support.

You guys are the best!!!