Friday, September 7, 2012

First cold of the school year...

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It's happened! I've officially gotten the first cold of the school year and I feel yucky!

As a matter of fact, I feel so yucky that I had to prepost yesterdays blog post early in the day so I could go to sleep early. I was in pjs and under the covers at 7 PM. My plan was to lie in bed and watch the rerun of The Big Bang Theory that comes on at seven. I didn't see any of the show!

At some point I must of woken up and turned the TV off, but I really don't remember doing that. The TV was off this morning though so either I did it or someone was kind enough to break in and do it for me without actually stealing anything on their way out.

The funniest part is that even after sleeping for 11 hours, I still hit the snooze button when the alarm went off this morning. lol!

It's going to be a Theraflu kind of weekend...