Sunday, November 11, 2012

What a beautiful day!

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I was up bright and early this morning. The guys were all heading out for some male bonding ~ fishing ~ and I was meeting the girls for breakfast.

If any of you can explain what I was thinking earlier in the week when my friend suggested we all do breakfast on Saturday morning and I answered, "That sounds like fun!" I would appreciate it. I mean it was fun, but it also would have been fun closer to noon. lol!

After breakfast, while everyone else went home to take a nap, I decided to join one of the photography groups that was meeting at Flamingo Gardens. It was lots of fun and the weather was absolutely perfect!

Here are some of the photos I took...

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I've got more photos that I can torture you with later. lol!

I got home around 4 and took a nice long nap.

When it was time for dinner the guys grilled fish for everyone, but I'm pretty sure they got the fish from the market instead of the water like they claimed. lol!

After dinner, OCG and I spent a nice quiet evening catching up on Dexter episodes.

Yep, it was a beautiful day!

Right now, OCG is with my neighbors playing video games and I am about to call it a night. Getting up early on Saturdays is for the birds! lol!