Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Wishing Fence

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I read a blog post awhile back about a lady who had turned one of the trees in her yard into a wishing tree.  She talked about how everyone loved the tree and I fell in love with it too.

I knew right away I wanted to do something similar at school.  For the safety of everyone involved we decided to go with a wishing fence.  Today, my class placed the first wishes on the fence.

There are typical kid wishes, wishes that you agree with, wishes that make you proud and wishes that break your heart....
I wish my parents loved me

I wish I had  Ms. Brown had a lot of money

I wish everyone's wish could come true

I wish we didn't have to go to school

I wish I had an Xbox

I wish that my family always stays happy

There are extra tags outside for others to write down their wishes. So, if you're in the area, drop by and add your wish to our wishing fence.

I'm wishing for our wishing fence to be a big success.

Hopefully, I'll have more wishes to share with you.