Wednesday, April 23, 2014

I tried to steal a car today

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I stopped at the store this morning before school and on my way out I walked right past my car and headed for a gray Honda.  I pushed the button to unlock the car and tried the door handle---still locked!

I was so confused!  I looked in the car and saw a plastic cross hanging from the rear view mirror and couldn't remember hanging it there.  I pushed the button again, tried the door again and learned once again that the door was still locked.

I just couldn't understand why my door wouldn't unlock and open.  I pushed the button a couple more times.

That's when I noticed something strange.  Every time I pushed the button and tried unlocking my car the car behind me beeped.  I turned to look at that car and pressed my button again.  To my surprise, that car ---my  car, the gray VW--- was unlocking itself, beeping and flashing it's lights every time I pushed that stupid button.