Monday, July 28, 2014

A favor for Sebastian, his mom & me!

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Sebastian's mom reached out to me today and shared this news story about a little boy with an inoperable brain tumor wanting cards for his sixth birthday.

Just look at that adorable face!

As soon as I read his story, I knew I would do two things:

1. Make and send a card even though I am truly horrible at card making and
2. Share his story with you guys because you are truly wonderful at card making

We missed his birthday, but that doesn't matter.  We can still send cards.  We can still cheer him up.  We can still do something to help make him feel a little less lonely.  This story was originally aired on July 19th and he had received around 40 cards at that time.  We can do better than that!

Sebastian, his mom and I have all witnessed your talents and generosity.  Now, it's time for Danny to feel it too!  Please read and share Danny's story, send a card and make a little boy's day a little brighter.

I know that you guys will do this because you are totally awesome and always step up when I ask for help.  I know that you will do it because that's just the kind of giving people that you are. I know that you will do this because it's something Sebastian has requested and it's way too hard to say no to Sebastian.  I know that you will do it because just like me you've looked at Danny's picture and fallen in love with that smile.

Let's get his kid some cards!

Danny Nickerson
P.O. Box 212
Foxboro, MA 02035

Let's spread the word and get him even more cards!  Leave a comment on this post showing the card you're sending and/or where you've shared Danny's story and I'll round up a prize or two to give away.

You guys are the best!