Friday, August 8, 2014

Redditgifts for Teachers!

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I know, I know, lately all I do is complain and beg. 

Deal with it!  LOL!

Yesterday I complained.  Today I beg!

The third annual gifts for teachers sign ups have begun at Redditgifts.  This is a one way gift exchange.  You either sign up to receive something for your class or you sign up to send something to a teacher.  It doesn't have to be anything super big or expensive.  As a matter of fact most gifts are worth around $20. wouldn't believe how helpful an extra $20 worth of crayons or glue or pencils or tissues or whatever can be to a teacher.

Every year THOUSANDS of people sign up to give something.  THOUSANDS more sign up to receive something. 

The last time I checked the satistics there were about 3,000 people who had signed up to give and around 5,000 who had signed up to receive.  I'm one of the 5,000 and so are several other teachers that I know.

We've registered and listed the things that we would most like to receive and hope that we get matched with someone.

Would you please consider signing up?  Would you please help out a teacher?

This is a world wide gift exchange and teachers from all countries have registered so it doesn't matter where you live.  You can even ship to someone from another country if you're willing to.

Last year, there were $325,000 worth of supplies sent to teachers through this exchange.  Isn't that wonderful?  Isn't that something you would like to be a part of?