Monday, November 24, 2014

Clingmans Dome

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OK, the half mile hike on a paved path to the top of Clingmans Dome was probably the hardest hike we endured while we were in Tennessee.  Seriously it was only a half mile but it was steep and it kicked our butts!

One of the park rangers there told us that when we were in the parking lot where the hike began we were actually in North Carolina but once we reached the top we were going to be back in Tennessee.  So, of course, we had to have some fun with that information!

Once we finally made it to the top and caught our breath enough to talk again we told everyone else that came up and was tired that we had hiked ALL THE WAY from North Carolina and had fun watching their reactions.  LOL!  Hey, we weren't lying!

Anyway, the hike was worth it cause the view was gorgeous!