Tuesday, September 22, 2015


Download word art here

***If you're feeling naughty come back tomorrow an get the "villain" version of this word art!***

The last time I checked Emmi's GoFundMe page she had raised $730 and the link to her site had been shared 238 times!  Do you have any idea how amazing that is?!?

I am happy that her donation page is doing so well, but we still need your help.  She is still far from the $9500 that she needs.  I really wish everyone that reads this could donate something ~ any amount at all ~ but I know that isn't possible.

Sharing the link is just as important though!  So please, help us spread the word about Emmi and her need for a service dog by sharing the link anywhere you with anyone you think can help with a donation or by also sharing the link.

The place that Emmi is working with to get her service dog is called Noelle's Dogs Four Hope and it sounds like such an amazing place.  I didn't realize that it was almost impossible for a child to receive a service.  Noelle's Dogs Four Hope is apparently one of the few places that will match a child in need with a dog.  Noelle's story is pretty amazing too!  She understands the difference these dogs can make in someone's life.

Don't forget to come back to my original Emmi post to let me know that you've shared the link and/or donated money toward her dog so that you can get in on my prize drawing!