Monday, September 28, 2015

It may be time to let OCG go!

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OK, I know that you guys have always been Team OCG, but I have a really good reason to cut ties and run.  Actually, I have TWO reasons!

I keep going back and forth between which of my two reason has me the most upset so I'm going to tell you about them in the order that they happened.

This weekend my friend Susan and I are going on a girl's weekend to North Carolina.  We've got tickets to Autumn at Oz.  That's when they open up the abandoned Oz theme park so that those us of who visited there as kids can go back and relive our youth. 

We're also going to the Ghost Train event at Tweetsie Railroad.  Apparently, during the month of October they open Tweetsie Railroad up at night for their version of Disney's Halloween Horror Nights.  Again, going to Tweetsie Railroad is part of reliving my youth.

I'm really excited, but also a little scared.  I don't want these places to lose the magic they held for me as a kid and I'm afraid that visiting them as an adult just might cause that to happen. 

Oh well, I'll deal with that when and if it happens.  Right now, I've got serious problems!

You see, I told OCG that when Susan and I get back from our trip that he and I need to plan my birthday trip to Gatlinburg.  He had the nerve to say that he wasn't sure if he wanted to go back so soon and that maybe we should go somewhere else since we spent so much time there this summer.

Can you believe that?!?!  What is he talking about anyway?!?!  I mean we haven't been there since July!

Also, he should know by now that one can never spend too much time in Gatlinburg!  Seriously, what's wrong with him?  It's like I don't even know him anymore!

As if that wasn't bad enough, he broke my toilet seat yesterday.

I'll spare you the details, but that's mostly because I didn't want to know them either. LOL!

Anyway, he came walking down the hall holding my broken toilet seat in his hand and laughing.  I wasn't laughing though!

ME: You broke my toilet seat?  Now what am I supposed to do when I have company?!
OCG:  First, company can use a different bathroom and secondly, we'll buy another toilet seat!

That didn't sound like much of an apology to me!

Seriously, no Gatlinburg and a broken toilet seat?  I just don't think our relationship is strong enough to handle this!