Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Day two was better, but just as funny!

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So, today's scavenger hunt went better than yesterday's, but I still laughed just as hard!

First of all, I was running a little later than usual and was trying to hide the tickets getting caught while other people were out and about.  At one point I was walking past some cars parked in one of the back parking lots and one of the teacher's rolled her window down and yelled, "BUSTED!"  On the spot, I had to change things up and hide a ticket in her room.  LOL!

Here are the clues I mailed out...

Clue 1: Yesterday the other Elves and I kept getting asked, "Am I getting warmer?" as people looked around.  Today, you may want to add a little FAKE WARMTH to your life

Clue 2: I hear that the FOURTH Grade team has been put in a time out.  Maybe one of them can still help you out.  I have always LOOKED UP to them!

Clue 3: Have you ever eaten at THE OUTBACK?  I hear it's a nice place to sit and enjoy the TREES.

Clue 4: I hope you've finished all your Christmas SHOPPING!  Even if you haven't, you can still enjoy the lights.

At different places in out office there are two fake fireplaces that are set up as part of the holiday decorations.  I hid one behind the flames on the smaller one for the first clue.  It's right beside the desk of our office intake person.

I just happened to standing right behind her as she read the clues on her computer then announced that she knew where one was and took off out the door.  I laughed so hard because I knew there was one right beside where she had been!  Eventually, she was the one who found that ticket.

For the second clue, I taped a ticket over the closet door in the room of one of the fourth grade teachers.  Of course, she was the only one who knew I was putting it in there and she wasn't at school this morning.  The rest of her grade level was clueless!  They told me that everybody kept coming into their rooms looking and asking questions that they couldn't answer.

The ticket for clue #3 was stuck on a tree by some picnic tables on the back side of campus.  That clue was pretty easy for everyone!

The fourth ticket was one I had to hide in the room of the teacher who caught me.  Last week the Santa shop was hosted in her room so that explains the SHOPPING in the clue and I put the ticket on a little light up tree that she has.

Remember the girl on my grade level that didn't read her clues yesterday?  Well, she read them today, but it didn't help much!  I was standing in her room as she read the clues and the took off to search certain that she knew where they all were.  For some reason, she decided that they were all hidden in the same room off of our office.  She was wrong!

She searched for awhile.  Went back to her room, grabbed money for the soda machine, bought a drink with some caffeine and started searching again.  A few minutes later, she came through the copy room where I was standing with some other teachers and announced that, "I think someone already found them all.  I followed the clues and they aren't there."  After she left to go back to her room, I laughed and told everyone that so far no one had found a ticket and that she had been no where near where I hid one.

One of the sixth grade teachers told me that he's been so busy watching other people search for tickets that he forgets to look himself.  I let him know that I feel the same way.  I send the clues and then walk out of my room to watch the madness and it's awesome!

Now, I'm pretty sure  that I'm safe telling you guys this because I don't think anyone at my new school as discovered this blog yet.  On Wednesday, we're having a big teacher luncheon after the kids leave with an ugly sweater contest too.  We've decided to hide all the day three tickets in the media center, where we'll be and wait until then to say anything about it.  Then while everyone is searching, we move to the front of the food line!  LOL!

Also, one of our fourth grade teachers suggested that we add another twist and have the people who find the ticket hide the tickets for the next day.  Doesn't that sound cool?!?  We're going to see if people are up for that!

I'll let you know how it goes!