Saturday, April 30, 2016


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Fonts used:  #44 Font Expanded & #44 Font Italic

Friday, April 29, 2016

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Thank you!

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Font used:  Smoothie Shoppe

Just in case I haven't said it lately and in case you haven't heard it from anyone else in awhile.....

Thank you for being on my path!

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Monday, April 25, 2016


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Font used:  LillyBelle

***Come back tomorrow for the "cat" version of  this word art!***

Sunday, April 24, 2016

99 problems!

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Font used:  Ke Aloha

One of my students showed up at school on Friday wearing a shirt that said...

"I've got 99 problems but my swagg ain't one"

I asked him about his 99 problems and he started counting off on his fingers...

1. Coming to school
2. Explaining this to you

LOL!  That's as far as he got.  I was laughing too hard for him to go any further!

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Friday, April 22, 2016

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

One in every crowd!

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Font used: Wolf in the city

We went on a field trip to Publix.  They gave us goodies to eat! Cheese from the deli, watermelon from the produce department and cookies from the bakery.

A girl from the bakery came out with a cake (pretty sure it was one of the fake sample ones) and she showed us how she decorates it and how she makes several different kinds of flowers.  It was pretty cool.

The grocery department took us in the back of the store and showed us where everything is stored until it's put on the shelves for customers.  They opened the door to the big walk in fridge in the back to show us how large it was and how cold it was.  My class stood there rubbing their arms like they had just been dropped into a scene from Frozen.

Then one of my students said, "There's beer in there. Awesome!"

The Publix employees all cracked up laughing and so did I!

Yep, there's one in every crowd and that "one" is usually in my class!

Tuesday, April 19, 2016


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Font used: White Elephant

Yep, it's that...summer vacation is still over a month away and there are no more long weekends between now and then...time of year!

Monday, April 18, 2016


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Fonts used: Unthrift First Person & Wednesday

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Friday, April 15, 2016

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Torment your teacher day!

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Font used:  Secret of the Octopus

Some schools call days like today "water day".  Ours was a kind of backwards water day tough.  Because instead of the kids getting wet the teachers did.  The students lined up on opposite sides of the basketball court while we walked in circles in the middle trying to avoid getting hit by wet squishy balls that the kids were throwing at us. 

Now, anyone who knows anything about me, knows that I hate having my picture taken.  Seriously, I hate it!  That's why I had my picture taken more times today than in the last two years.  I heard comments like, "I can't believe you're walking around like this!" and "This picture's going in the yearbook!"  My favorite comment was from one of my own students though, "You're embarrassing yourself, Ms.Brown!"

You see, we were told that we could move around and avoid the water balls anyway we wanted to.  Ride a bike, scooter, run walk, etc.  The PreK classes donated their tricycles and if you've never seen a grown man who teaches PE and is over six feet tall riding a tricycle...well, that's just your loss. 

Anyway, I decided that I was probably going to be better off just walking.  It's easier to hide behind other people that way!  But I still wanted some "water" protection, so I wore a wrap around floatie, a snorkel mask and carried an umbrella.  I was just mad at myself for forgetting my rain boots!

And...even though I taped a bulls eye sign that said "AIM HERE" onto my assistant principals back I still managed to get wet.

It's my understanding that as the day went on other teachers came out in some sort of costume.  There may have been some shower caps and swim fins! 

I think I won best dressed though!

Next year, I'll add dark socks and sandals with a Hawaiian print shirt!  LOL!

Wednesday, April 13, 2016


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Font used:  Secret of the Octopus

***Come back tomorrow for the "her" version of this word art!***

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Monday, April 11, 2016

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Saturday, April 9, 2016


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Font used:  Please write me a song

Friday, April 8, 2016


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Fonts used:  Patoskript & Pacifico

Thursday, April 7, 2016

My secret career!

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Font used:  Luna

Did you guys know that I have a secret career?  Well, I didn't either, but apparently, the state of Florida thinks I'm a meth manufacturer!

I went to the drug store today to buy some Claritan-D and was lucky enough to have what I assume was a new cashier.  At the very least, she was a cashier that has never seen a probable meth manufacturer before.

When the register wouldn't accept my purchase she called another lady over and asked what was going on.  That lady took one look at the register and stated with a very judgmental look on her face,
"She's not allowed to buy anymore.  She's been buying too much!"  then she stood back and stared at me as if she was expecting to do something illegal.

I just stood there looking confused while the second lady stared at me and the first one looked to be backing up and deciding if she should call the police or not. 

I finally spoke up and said, "I don't understand.  I only buy one box at a time and I took the last one I had this morning.  I was hoping to buy another box so that I could take another one tomorrow before I go to work.  This has never happened to me before"
The pharmacist walked by and heard what I said and he just kind of laughed before explaining that "They are ridiculous about those things.  They have it timed down to the exact day and won't let you buy it even one day early."

I felt better than and apparently the first cashier did too because she moved closer to the counter.  The second cashier stayed where she was and continued to glare.

I asked if there was a number I could call and the pharmacist said it should be on my receipt.  I had to point out that I didn't have a receipt because I wasn't allowed to buy what I wanted to buy.

He told the first cashier to try ringing it up again so that a receipt would print for me and I could get the information.  She took my license again and attempted to ring up the Claritan.  I joked that now the computer really was going to flag me! 

Maybe I shouldn't have made that joke!  As the second cashier held her ground and continued to stare the first cashier backed up from the register and called to the pharmacist that now she wasn't even able to scan my license.  He again laughed and came around the corner to show her how to do it.

It scanned.  A receipt printed and I had the information I needed to find out why I had been flagged.

I was also handed a store receipt and told I could take their survey for a chance to win $3,000 cash.  LOL!

Seriously, you want me a suspected meth manufacturer to take your store survey?  What should I tell them?  How the second cashier is probably still standing in that same spot just waiting for me to do something illegal?  How happy I am that the first cashier didn't call the cops?  How the students in my class will get plenty of math  practice as they count my sneezes because I won't be able to take my Claritan in the morning?

Before I left, I assured both cashier and the pharmacist that if I really wanted to take drugs, I could come up with something way better than Claritan.  The pharmacist was the only one to laugh.

After I got home, I went right to the website and entered the information.  I learned that when it comes to cold and allergy medicine containing PSE you can only buy 9.0 grams within a 30 day period.  Since March 6, I have purchased 7.2 grams. 

The pharmacist was right!  I was there one day too early!  I have to wait until the 7th to buy more.

Now, just to let you know what a horrible meth manufacturer I would make.....I don't even know what PSE is!

Of course, by the time I get this posted it will be the 7th, so you need to know that I am going to enjoy going back to the pharmacy to get my "fix".  I hope the same cashiers will be working just to make it that much sweeter. LOL!

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Monday, April 4, 2016

Sunday, April 3, 2016

I hope I don't jinx myself.....

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Font used:  Kristen

OK, people, hold your breath and cross your fingers because Box seems to have gotten it's act together enough to allow downloads again!  YEA!

Now, here are the first of my DC photos I want to share.  Of course, I'm starting with the Cherry Blossoms!  I just wish my pictures could do justice to the beauty of them all!

Saturday, April 2, 2016


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Font used:  colors of autumn & kindergarten

Friday, April 1, 2016

Shel Belle Scraps at Gotta Pixel!

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Font used:  Cheddar Jack

Shel Belle Scraps is guest designer at Gotta Pixel this month!  That means we're all in for an exciting month of new stuff at great prices!

I know she's been busy getting everything set up and ready to go and I've already seen a Gotta Pixel exclusive kit that is wonderful!

Make sure you check it out!