Monday, October 31, 2016

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Sorry for the late post!

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I was exhausted last night and fell asleep before I could post this or set it up to post automatically.


Thursday, October 27, 2016

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

I am telling you...

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Today's word art pretty much sums up my life lately!

We're halfway through the week and Me-vember is right around the corner, so things have to get better, right?

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Send tequila!!!

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Font used:  Hemmet

Last week was "one of those weeks"  and so far this week is shaping up to be the same.

Pray for me and send tequila!  STAT!

Monday, October 24, 2016


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Fonts used:  Echinos Park Script & FISHfingers

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Saturday, October 22, 2016

So glad this week is over!

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This was the longest week ever!  I promise that once I'm not so totally exhausted, I'll tell you all about it. 

Right now, I just want to pretend I'm still on vacation.  So, here are some more photos...

Friday, October 21, 2016

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Monday, October 17, 2016

What a day!

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Font used:  Liquid Embrace

OK, so Fall Break is over and I'm really sad about that!  But, check out all the postcards that were waiting for us.....

The kids clapped when I showed them the stack! 

My young teacher friend, Ms. Lukow, wasn't at school today.  I sent her a message and found out that she got sick over vacation and is under doctor's orders to stay home for the week.  She should be back next Monday and she will find several cards waiting for her in her mailbox at school.  I saw several waiting in her box and I was so excited!  Thank you guys so much for everything you do for me!  No matter how much I do or how hard I try, I'll never be able to repay you!


Are you still having trouble getting yesterday's word art?  Email me and I'll be happy to send it to you

I was telling everyone at school about our haunted hotel and room and my assistant was very confused.  She said,

"You're saying this like you're proud."

I yelled that I was and that I didn't care what anyone else did over Fall Break because I won!  I won Fall Break!  I stayed in a haunted room at a haunted hotel and I won!

I think everyone is still laughing at least the ones that aren't worried about me for enjoying the fact that I stayed in a haunted room at a haunted hotel are still laughing.  LOL!
Here's some more pictures from my trip.  These were all taken at Thorncrown Chapel.  this is such an amazingly beautiful place!  We were lucky because for a little while we had the place all to ourselves.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

We're home!

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Font used:  Elephant

I really did spend the day on the sofa in front of the TV, but I wasn't watching Fixer Upper.  I was trying to empty out the DVR.  LOL!

Gilbert is find, but he doesn't seem to be talking to us.  Who knew that a meditating gnome could get so angry?  LOL!

Anyway, here are a few more photos from our vacation...

These are all fron The Crescent Hotel.  If we ever go back to Eureka Springs, we'll be staying here!  It's even more haunted than our hotel was.  LOL!

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Friday, October 14, 2016

Thursday, October 13, 2016

The ghost has a name!

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Fonts used:  Coneria Script & Confessions

OK, all you fans of old western movies and John Wayne, the ghost who is believed to haunt my hotel room is John Chisum. He died here in 1884.

I guess it's a good thing his former buddy, Billy the Kid isn't here with him!

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Where do I begin!

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Font used: Skater Girls Rock

So, we are staying at the Basin Park Hotel which is the sister hotel to The Crescent Hotel.  Both hotels are old and reportedly haunted.  We chose the Basin over the Crescent because of it's location and lower prices.  LOL!

OCG booked us on the ghosts tour of our hotel and I was excited!  I even took a couple screen shots of some of yesterdays Facebook posts to show you how excited I was....

Well, it turns out that I misunderstood.  OCG booked us for two ghosts tours!  The one we went to last night was at The Crescent Hotel and the stories are amazing.  I'll share those with you later ---if I survive!

I do need to tell you this one story though.  It happened after the tour.  There was one girl on the tour that I ended up next to several times and we talked to each other as she exclaimed that she would never stay at that hotel!  She even waited with me in one of the  morgue rooms as I took a picture, so I wouldn't be in there by myself.  (Yes, this hotel had a morgue!) There was a guy with her who stood and smiled as we talked, but he never said anything and I never actually saw him make any physical contact with her.  It didn't seem weird to me at the time.

After the tour was over, OCG and I were out in front of The Crescent waiting for the shuttle back to our hotel.  The girl I had talked to earlier and the guy came out.  Again they were side by side, but not holding hands or touching in any way.  She spoke and he just smiled.  We watched as they went to two different cars.  His was a truck.  She pulled out and drove off first and he followed.

A few moments later, he pulled back into the parking lot and parked in the very same place.  He got out and walked back toward the hotel.  I smiled and asked if he had forgotten something.

Without smiling in any way, he kept walking toward the front door of the hotel as he said,

"I can never leave this place"

OCG took one look at my reaction to this and doubled over in laughter,  I yelled out after the guy...

"What the hell, dude!  That's just not right!"

He never turned around.

This guy was not part of the ghost stories that were shared at the hotel and his clothes were modern.  That means that either his story is one the hotel has chosen not to share or that one of the older ghost is really stepping up his haunting game.

OCG says the guy was just messing with me, but I'm not so sure!

Anyway, tonight, we are going to the ghost tour of our hotel.  Yes, I'm pre-posting this, you know, in case I don't survive!

Today we went to so many places and saw so many things and took so many pictures.  Again, I'll save those for another time. (Hopefully!)

In our down time today, I went online looking for ghost stories about our hotel in hopes they were half as interesting as the ones from The Crescent.

I found this interesting tidbit.....

Guess what room we're in?  That's right!  Room 309!

Seriously!  I knew the hotel was haunted, but I had no idea our room was!

I will tell you that I woke up very early on Tuesday morning for no reason, but it didn't feel right and the ghost walk from The Crescent was on my mind so I just said over and over to myself,

"Just don't open your eyes!  If you don't open your eyes you can't see any ghosts!"

I repeated that over and over until I fell back to sleep.  LOL!

Hopefully, I'll be back tomorrow to share some more photos and stories with you.