Monday, February 15, 2016

Box is still being a pain!

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OK, box is still being a pain!  For some reason, it wants everyone to be signed in before they can download anything.  I even have to sign into my account, before I can use the links I've shared.  I've emailed them, and hope it gets worked out soon.

This happened once before and they eventually fixed it.  Until then, I'll try to remember to post a second download link.  You can always email me if you continue to have problems.

If you're interested, you can also sign up for a free box account.  It's been my favorite for years...of course, I'm currently rethinking!

I know this doesn't make up for all the troubles lately, but it might give you a good laugh.  Take a look at what i won in a raffle at school last week...

That's right, I won a cookbook!  LOL!

Since, this is my first year at this school, they don't know me well enough to know about my lack of cooking skills.  However, the whole room laughed when my name was called and I loudly replied with...

I don't cook!