Thursday, April 14, 2016

Torment your teacher day!

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Some schools call days like today "water day".  Ours was a kind of backwards water day tough.  Because instead of the kids getting wet the teachers did.  The students lined up on opposite sides of the basketball court while we walked in circles in the middle trying to avoid getting hit by wet squishy balls that the kids were throwing at us. 

Now, anyone who knows anything about me, knows that I hate having my picture taken.  Seriously, I hate it!  That's why I had my picture taken more times today than in the last two years.  I heard comments like, "I can't believe you're walking around like this!" and "This picture's going in the yearbook!"  My favorite comment was from one of my own students though, "You're embarrassing yourself, Ms.Brown!"

You see, we were told that we could move around and avoid the water balls anyway we wanted to.  Ride a bike, scooter, run walk, etc.  The PreK classes donated their tricycles and if you've never seen a grown man who teaches PE and is over six feet tall riding a tricycle...well, that's just your loss. 

Anyway, I decided that I was probably going to be better off just walking.  It's easier to hide behind other people that way!  But I still wanted some "water" protection, so I wore a wrap around floatie, a snorkel mask and carried an umbrella.  I was just mad at myself for forgetting my rain boots!

And...even though I taped a bulls eye sign that said "AIM HERE" onto my assistant principals back I still managed to get wet.

It's my understanding that as the day went on other teachers came out in some sort of costume.  There may have been some shower caps and swim fins! 

I think I won best dressed though!

Next year, I'll add dark socks and sandals with a Hawaiian print shirt!  LOL!