Friday, June 10, 2016

Summer Vacation Day 16

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OK, so Memphis was awesome!  We had a blast doing tourist things and if you were lucky you may have even heard me on the Sirus Elvis radio station.  That's right!  I one of the millions of tourist that got recorded saying their name and where they were from.  Don't be too jealous!

Since coming back home, I've fallen back into teacher zombie mode.  It's not really my fault, the weather has been yucky.  There's not much else to do but lay around in pajamas watching the rain come down.

I did go out one yesterday to get the oil changed in the car and to buy food.  If the rain ever stops I may go out again at some point.

Next week, I'm supposed to spend a couple of days in Orlando for a workshop.  Tough job, right?  LOL!  Actually, right now, I'm wrestling with some things right now and may end up not going.  I'm just not sure at this point.

Don't worry, it's nothing serious, but I do have a decision to make.  What do you think?  Yes or no?
LOL!  (No, I'm not going to tell you the question)