Monday, July 10, 2017

we are back from vacation...

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We are back from Gatlinburg and I have got some stories to tell!

Before I tell you about the vacation though, I should tell you about two things that happened right before we left....

1. After teaching three weeks of summer school, the district decided that the enrollment at our school was too low and we needed to lose 2 possibly 3 teachers.  Our summer administrator asked if anyone wanted to volunteer to take the rest of the summer off...... I DID!   LOL!  I wasn't the only volunteer, but I was the fastest and the loudest.  So, I got to leave for vacation knowing that I didn't have to set an alarm when we got back home.

2. The second thing that happened is the kind of thing that happens in my life all the time.  I decided that it would be best to use screen shots of the text messages between my principal and I to help tell the story.  This way you guys can see first hand I don't make this stuff up.....this is really how my life goes.....

This story started with an email from my principal asking me to attend a job fair while she was out of town.  We need another PreK teacher.  The email she sent me stated that the job fair would be on Wednesday, June 28 at 10:00 AM at the Kroc Center.  I marked my calendar and planned to go.

The day before the job fair, I get this text message...

I didn't see the text message until the end of the day as I was leaving summer school, so after I got into my car I sat in the parking lot and responded...

Don't judge me guys, it was some kind of flying bug!  It came at me right as I was responding to the text!  Luckily, I got away....

My principal responded with...
Now, I have been given permission to start the paper work to hire anyone that I like, but I should have gotten a little suspicious when she questioned what day the job fair was on.  I double checked the email she sent me and it said Wednesday so I went with it...

Wednesday morning, I leave summer school with the promise to be back as soon as possible and head to the job fair.  I get there and I knew right away that it wasn't a job fair, but there was free food so I decided to get some and stay for awhile.  I grabbed a table close to the door so it wouldn't be obvious if I decided to sneak out.

Everyone in the room stood as a lady sang The Star Spangled Banner.  When the mayor got up and started giving a speech I decided to take a picture of the agenda and text it to my principal...

That's right you guys, she told me to just enjoy the meeting!  LOL!

 I am the only teacher sitting in a room full of local politicians, district and department superintendents and community business leaders as they talk about the positive effects on PreK in our community and she just tells me to enjoy the meeting.  By the way, I was sitting there with a bowl full of Hershey Kisses that I brought to place on our table and entice people to come talk to me at the job fair!

My principal sent me to a job fair on on the wrong day, at the wrong place and at the wrong time!

I stayed long enough to see if I was going to win something in the raffle and when I didn't, I just took my Hershey Kisses and went back to school.

I wasn't able to attend the actual job fair because of my vacation plans so I have no idea how that went.  I'm willing to bet that it wasn't as interesting as the day I had though!