Thursday, July 27, 2017

meeting #1 over...

Download word art here

OK, so Wednesday's three hour meeting wasn't what I thought it was going to be.  I knew it was about using IPads in the class, but I had no idea they were going to act like we had never seen an IPad before.  They did and I tuned a lot of it out.....OK, I tuned most of it out!  LOL!

Then the guy gave us an assignment to work on with a partner.  He wanted us to use the Notes App to write notes and import pictures to go with our notes.   We were also suppose to draw or write on one of the pictures.  Seriously, I use notes all the time!  However, I've never added pictures before so at least that was something new.

Once we were finished we had to airdrop our note to the SmartBoard and present them to the whole group.

My partner and I worked well together and our presentation was the best!  No joke, we totally owned that room!  We used Pinterest to get our pictures and waited until the last picture to add our drawing and writing.  We wanted to make sure it had impact!  LOL!

Anyway, here's what we presented to the group...

Awesome, isn't it?  LOL!

You should have seen the look on some of the faces in the room when I announced that I was going to send this to my principal so she could see how hard I was working.  Here is my principal's response...

I wonder what we'll work on tomorrow....