Saturday, December 13, 2008

A message for Pegg

I received your note about the misleading freebie, but you left me no way of getting in touch with you. I hope that you'll see this post.

Digifree uses a computer program to scan thousands of blogs. It makes a best guess as to what it thinks may be a freebie offered on the blog. Sometimes, like today, it picks up the wrong image. I have never advertised anything from my blog. As a matter of fact, it says in my header that I offer wordart.

I have also left Digifree for a blog thinking that I was going to pick up a certain freebie only to find that it wasn't being offered. I have also been disappointed. Sadly it happens, but Digifree is a wonderful blog that gets it right most of the time. That's pretty awesome for a computer program that can't actually "see" the pictures on all of the blogs that it scans.

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